5 Rare Signs Of Breast Cancer You Should Know About

Cancer in young people is often more aggressive and it is therefore important to detect it quickly.
5 Rare Signs Of Breast Cancer You Should Know About

Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the world. It mainly affects women, but sometimes also men. The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age, but early detection significantly increases the chance of survival. Therefore, you need to know the rare signs of breast cancer.

Data show that the majority of cases occur after the age of 40, which is why you should be tested regularly. However, cases have also been reported in much younger people, and unfortunately these cases tend to be more aggressive. Regardless of age, early detection is the key to early treatment. Therefore, experts recommend that one learn to identify the common, and the not so common, symptoms in the early stages of the disease so that it can be detected early.

The most common signs of breast cancer include lumps in the breast, changes in the structure, skin changes and a foul-smelling fluid discharge from the nipples. The American Cancer Society says that there are also some rare symptoms that should be thoroughly analyzed by a specialist, because even though they may appear to be symptoms of another health problem, they can also be signs of breast cancer. Do you know the rare symptoms of breast cancer that you should keep an eye on?

It is normal to experience pain and sensitive breasts, as well as a bit of itching before and during menstruation. However, if symptoms persist, consult your doctor as it may be a sign of breast cancer. In general , these symptoms are due to an inflammatory condition caused by cancer, which causes swelling, itching and pain in the chest area, as well as more obvious symptoms such as

Back pain can be caused by a number of factors and the last thing we want it to be is breast cancer. Experts have noted that patients diagnosed with breast cancer experience pain in the upper back, between the shoulder blades, before there are any other symptoms of the disease. It is very important to be aware that some types of cancerous tumors often develop deep inside the breast tissue, causing pain in the back or ribs. It has also been reported during metastases, which is when the disease spreads.

Pain and sensitive armpits can be a rare sign of breast cancer

One of the first areas on the body that shows signs of breast cancer is the armpits. Many studies show that the lymph nodes in the armpits can be an indication of cancer, just as the lymph nodes in the neck and neck can indicate the flu. Swollen, painful lymph nodes in the armpits can be an early sign of breast cancer, long before the symptoms in the breasts occur. The first thing you need to do is compare your armpits and notice if there is any difference or discomfort. If there is a clear difference, it is important that you talk to your doctor. Of course, as in many other cases, these symptoms do not always mean that you have breast cancer.

One area of ​​the breasts where the cancer is more pronounced than others is below the nipple. Breast tissue cancer can cause changes in the appearance and sensitivity of the breasts. The nipple may also have an abnormal texture and feel more tender. Other obvious signs are the secretion of fluid, blood or milk when you are not breastfeeding. This happens if the tumor forms in a mammary gland or behind it. In both cases, medical examination and observation are important in order to treat it in a timely manner.

Many women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer notice clear changes in the shape of their breasts. For example, one remains round while the other becomes oval. There are also examples where women noticed changes on one side of the breast, which made it look uneven. These irregularities in the breasts are usually more noticeable when wearing a bra. In cases like these, examine your breasts with your hands and consult a specialist.

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