Why You Should Sleep On The Left Side

When you sleep on your left side, you help many of your bodies make their work easier. Among other things, you will improve your blood circulation and your digestion.
Therefore, you need to sleep on the left side

Which side of the body do you usually sleep on? On the right or left side? Or maybe you’re one of those people who sleeps on your back? D a best side to sleep on is the left one. Let’s explain why.

5 benefits of sleeping on the left side

Maybe the title of this article surprised you.  You may be one of those people who has never thought  that sleeping in a certain position can be better or worse for your body. But it seems that yes, it is important.

According to oriental medicine, one should sleep on the left side of his body. A recent study published in The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology agrees, and Dr. John Doulliard explains in it some of the underlying causes. We intend to make it all easier for you by giving you a brief overview on how to put this advice into practice. You are guaranteed to feel confident when we are done.

1. Help your lymphatic system on its way

Dr. Doulliard tells believe that it is most natural to sleep on the left side, as this side is the dominant side of the  lymphatic system.  This is where the drainage of the lymphatic system is found. The lymphatic system carries important elements such as proteins, glucose, metabolites and the elements that must be filtered by the lymph nodes and which must be emptied on the left side. So remember, the first reason is precisely for the sake of our lymphatic system.

2. Support your anatomy

You probably do not remember it now, but both the stomach and the pancreas  sit mostly in the left side of our body. If our sleeping position is in this side, we achieve a better digestion . This way we can better channel gastric juices and secrete pancreatic enzymes. Thus, it helps the work of digestion little by little, instead of all at once, such as as often happens when we sleep on the right side.

3. Make your heart healthier

Woman sleeping

Surprised? Safe. This study shows that 80% of the heart is located on the left side of the body. By simply sleeping on the left side of the body, one can take advantage of its health in a simple and natural way – mostly through the lymphatic system, which gets better drainage in this position. Another aspect to consider is that when the aorta leaves our heart it beats an arc to the left side to reach the stomach. If we sleep on the left side, our heart will pump more freely.

4. Are you someone who takes a nap?

If you are someone who always takes a nap  or someone who feels you have to after a lot of eating, remember to sleep on the left side. This will benefit digestion. You will get up and be more alert and less tired and without stomach aches. Try it and see how comfortable you feel after a little nap on the left side.

5. Help your spleen

Woman sleeping

The spleen  sits on the left side of the body. This organ is also a fundamental part of the lymphatic system. It is needed to filter blood and perform adequate lymph function. If we sleep on the left side of our body, we will help get our fluids directed towards the spleen in a simpler way, which promotes the natural feeling of gravity in our body. Most of our lymphatic system is on the left side. 

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