The Best Vegetables For Weight Loss

In addition to removing waste products and fighting fat, onions and garlic can also improve your liver function and protect your overall health.
The best vegetables for weight loss

We have previously talked about how you can best cook and eat fruits to lose weight faster… Why not do the same with vegetables today? Although most  vegetables are good for you no matter what, it is worth mentioning that in order to lose weight, it also depends on how you prepare and combine them. Here you get the best vegetables for weight loss.

The best vegetables for weight loss

That is why today we will share this information with you so you can start incorporating it into your daily diet and start losing those extra pounds by  eating right and getting some exercise. Trying a little bit will benefit you a lot.

Let’s learn what the best vegetables are for weight loss and how to cook them.

1. Spinach


It might surprise you to learn that  spinach  belongs to the same family as beets and chard. It is delicious, goes well with many dishes, and is ideal for weight loss. Let’s find out why:

  • Spinach consists primarily of water and protein.
  • It contains very few carbohydrates.
  • The stems have a high fiber content, so never cut them off.
  • Are you aware of how many nutrients spinach leaves contain? Countless! In particular, vitamins A, C, E, K, B1, B2 and B6 stand out,  along with iron, magnesium, calcium and a cocktail of antioxidants.

How do you cook spinach leaves to promote weight loss?

  • Sauteed spinach is the best choice. Do not boil it  – you will lose many nutrients, especially calcium, iron and magnesium.
  • Spinach is a great option for lunch or dinner. You can sauté it with a tiny bit of garlic and olive oil, or maybe combine raw spinach leaves with pineapple and nuts for a delicious salad.

2. Cucumber

vegetable juice

Cucumber is delicious and refreshing and is also one of the best vegetables you can add to your diet, thanks to their content of  tartronic acid  in the stem, which helps prevent the conversion of carbohydrates into edt. And do not forget the cellulose that cucumbers contain, it promotes better digestion,  eliminates waste products, and reduces cholesterol levels.

Recipe for cucumber water


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 liter of water
  • The juice from 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds


  • Start by washing and raking the cucumber. Then puree in a blender with the water and lemon juice. It is simple!
  • Add the tablespoon of chia seeds to your first cup of this drink and let it stand for a few minutes before drinking it. Chia seeds will further help in weight loss.
  • Drink a glass of this liquid 20 minutes before each meal.
  • Continue this treatment for five days and rest for 10. This regular routine will promote weight loss.

3. Peppers

Bell pepper

It might surprise you that peppers are on the list since they have such a strong taste and can also irritate some people’s stomachs. The secret of using peppers for weight loss is to  consume them raw and in small amounts. Here’s how you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • According to the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California, peppers help the body burn calories.
  • Peppers, regardless of their type and what color they are, are rich in capsaicin,  which helps increase your body temperature and therefore, they promote weight loss.

How should you consume peppers to lose weight?

Always consume them raw and in small quantities,  cut into very thin slices and added to your salad. Try adding a little bit of pepper every day to your diet.

4. Tomatoes

tomato juice

Tomatoes  are an ideal detox food. They are rich in antioxidants, bioflavonoids, vitamins A, B, C, B3 and K, minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium and manganese… they also contain very few calories. Tomatoes are, as you can see,  one of the best vegetables for weight loss.

Tomato juice for weight loss


  • 1 tomato
  • 2 cups water
  • Juice from half a lemon
  • 2 carrots


  • First, wash the tomatoes and carrots, and blend them. Once you have the vegetable juice, mix it with two cups of cold water and add the lemon juice.
  • You can drink this weight loss fluid 20 minutes before your meals in five days.  Take a break of five days and start the routine again. If you follow a healthy diet and exercise a little daily, then you will notice that you are starting to lose a few pounds. And besides, tomato juice is delicious!

5. Onions and garlic


Both onions and garlic are great for promoting weight loss while also improving your overall health. Both of these will eliminate waste products and excessive fat that builds up in your body, improve your liver function and protect cardiovascular health.

It helps prevent and reduce fluid retention and is also naturally antibiotic. Why not include them in your diet?

How should you use garlic and onions for weight loss?

  • Start your day by consuming a raw clove of garlic with a glass of water on an empty stomach.
  • Add some raw onions to your salads by pruning them very finely. Eating raw onions maintains several of the beneficial properties and helps to get the cleansing properties out of them.

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