8 Types Of Foods To Avoid In Colitis

Although it is usually recommended to eat a lot of fiber to increase your digestion and get rid of waste products, it is one of the foods that should be avoided in case of colitis.
8 types of foods to avoid in colitis

Colitis is a digestive disease caused by inflammation of the colon. This is usually due to food poisoning or a parasitic infection. There are foods to avoid if you have colitis that you should keep in mind.

In fact, only a small number of cases are related to circulatory problems, inflammatory diseases or radiation treatments.

Many people tend to confuse it with common cases of diarrhea. This is because diarrhea is one of the main symptoms.

But in this case, it’s more serious. It is almost always accompanied by bloating, abdominal pain and fever.

And unlike other digestive problems , it usually occurs again and again and for a longer period of time.

Because of this, it is important to know more about this disease. Additionally, you should really know which foods can make your symptoms worse.

In this article, we want to share eight of the most important problem foods. This way, you can start reducing the amount you eat today.

Take a look at them!

Foods to Avoid in Colitis:

Fried and fatty foods

Deep-fried foods and foods high in fat can make your symptoms of colitis worse

Deep-fried foods and foods high in fat can make your symptoms of colitis worse. This is because they make digestion more difficult. They also increase your level of inflammation.

  • Eating them increases the contractions in your gut. They also increase the incidence of pain and diarrhea in those suffering from this disease.

2. Cereals and whole seeds

It has always been recommended to eat fiber to improve your digestion. However, patients with colitis should avoid foods that come from grains and whole seeds.

This is because it increases the production of gases in the stomach. As a result, it increases the incidence of bloating and pain.

3. Coffee and tea

People with colitis should stay away from caffeine

Patients diagnosed with this disease should avoid caffeinated beverages as much as possible. It includes coffee and tea.

This is because this drug increases the level of inflammation in the intestine. It also affects the process responsible for getting rid of waste.

  • If you continue to drink caffeinated beverages, it can cause worse irritation associated with this disease.
  • As it tends to accumulate in your body, it also affects the processes that dispose of waste products.

4. Milk and dairy products

Whole milk and dairy products are the number one enemy for people struggling with this digestive disease.

This is not just because of its fat content. It is also due to its lactose content.

Not everyone is lactose intolerant. But it is best to reduce the amount of dairy products you eat as much as possible. This helps prevent future complications in the gut.

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5. Sausages and cold cuts

Cold cuts are often full of artificial additives

Sausages and cold cuts not only have a high fat content. They also contain sodium and artificial additives. These increase your irritation in your gut.

If you eat them regularly, it can cause digestive problems. In addition, it increases the presence of toxins in your gut.

As if that were not enough, the ingredients in these foods also cause your tendency for obesity and inflammatory diseases to be affected.

6. Margarine

Margarine and butter are foods to be avoided in colitis.

These foods contain too many trans fatty acids and hydrogenated oils. After being absorbed into your body, these compounds cause an exacerbation of inflammation in the intestines.

They also stimulate the production of chemicals that increase irritation and pain.

7. Refined flour

Bread made from refined flour is bad for digestion

Refined flour is inflammatory food that can make the symptoms worse for patients suffering from intestinal problems.

This type of food has undergone several industrial processes. In these processes, it loses a lot of its properties and nutrients.

As a result, it is much harder to digest. In addition, some people may develop allergic reactions to them.

The most troublesome thing about refined flours is that they are present in many foods that you eat regularly. Because of this, it is difficult to avoid them completely.

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Carbonated and alcoholic beverages

Carbonated and alcoholic beverages are very irritating to people suffering from colitis and indigestion.

  • The content of refined sugars, as well as carbon dioxide and dyes, increase acidity and inflammation.
  • The ingredients of these beverages are also responsible for symptoms such as gas, pain and diarrhea.

Finally, there are digestive complications that can be caused by colitis. Because of this, it is best to try to avoid all of these foods as much as possible.

Many people make them a part of their daily diet. However, it is wise to look for healthy alternatives. This way you know which foods to avoid in colitis.

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