Why Do You Have Cold Hands And Feet All Year Round?

Cold hands and feet can be associated with your mental state, for example, when you are having trouble making decisions or taking a step in life.
Why do you have cold hands and feet all year round?

When it is cold in the winter, it is easy to understand why hands and feet can “freeze”, but why does it happen in the summer as well? But why do you have cold hands and feet at other times?

Read the following article for answers. We would bet that one of the causes of your problem is poor blood circulation.

It’s hard to understand how this can happen. The rest of your body may seem hot and sweaty, the temperature may be above 32 ° C. But what happens to your hands and feet that are cold as if you had put them in the freezer?

The cause of this problem is found in the blood circulation. Under certain circumstances, the blood supply to the feet and hands (especially the fingers and feet) is stopped, so that they become cold and one loses the feeling in them.

When it’s winter, it’s easy to understand why this happens, as it’s cold outside (and sometimes inside as well). But when the weather is good in the summer, it does not make sense. In addition to the possible circulatory problems we mentioned above, it can be due to a low calorie intake or in severe cases, heart problems.

Cold feet

“I can not understand it. If I’m healthy and it’s spring or summer and I’m active, why are my hands and feet so cold that I have to wear socks in July? ” Well, it could be a warning signal from your body that something is not working as it should.

Your hands and feet are the end of two very important body parts: your torso and your legs. It is the most important part that has contact between the inner and outer, as it is the first part of your body that moves or reacts to something.

As we have already mentioned, poor blood circulation is the main cause of cold hands and feet. It may be that your posture is preventing the blood from getting properly out to the extremities. Some other causes can be narrowing of the blood vessels, a low metabolism and low blood pressure.

There are several factors to add to the list. Emotions! How can it be? Let us explain it in more detail.

If you suffer from icy extremities all year round, it may be because your body is responding to emotional issues. For example, you may feel like doing something, but for some reason, you apply the brakes before you can continue.

You can hold on to a hot cup if you have cold hands

If you feel like going to the grocery store and buying chocolate, but you remember that you are on a cure or that it is too expensive, then you stop the process. This literally translated by your body to “stop moving in that direction”.

Psychologists have studied the relationship between life factors and decisions with cold in the extremities. If you can not get yourself to go home and study, start a family, move where you want, etc., then your body receives an order not to send blood out to your hands and feet.

To continue: if you want to hug someone, take their hand and still not do it – if you deprive yourself of something you feel like – then your extremities can get as cold as an iceberg.

Cold hands and feet are easy to spot. But it’s harder to relate it to an emotional issue. However, there is no doubt that there is something that interferes with your emotions and what you do or say.

It’s time to act – nothing good will come of robbing yourself of life! Do not hold back your emotions! Set them free and you will see that from now on, your hands and feet will not be ice cold anymore when it is 32 ° C outside.

If you have problems with your blood circulation, you can benefit from the following natural treatments:


Ginger increases metabolism and prevents an upset stomach while improving blood circulation, relieving muscle soreness and increasing your body temperature. Drink a tea made from:

  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 1 cup boiling water (250 ml)

Cinnamon has the ability to warm the stomach and eliminate pain or digestive problems. It also increases body temperature,, pain and can remove the cold in the hands and feet. Sprinkle some crushed cinnamon in your coffee, yogurt, dessert…

This is an excellent vasodilator that stimulates blood circulation in the limbs and provides mental surplus. You can take it as capsules that are available in health food stores.

Do not forget to do certain exercises to keep your hands and feet moving. Make sure they are not in the same position for too long at a time. A good technique is if you periodically rotate your wrists and ankles while wiggling your fingers and toes.

Gingko te

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