Cleanse Your Arteries And Reduce Cholesterol With Garlic And Lemon Zest

Garlic and lemon cure can cleanse your body and prevent diseases. You should always seek medical attention when following this, especially if you are taking medication.
Cleanse your arteries and reduce cholesterol with garlic and lemon zest

Many people have cardiovascular problems after a certain age that require them to seek medical treatment for their condition. Cleanse your arteries and reduce cholesterol with lemon and garlic cures to prevent these problems in a natural and inexpensive way that is free of side effects before it ever gets this far.

This article will reveal how you can take advantage of the countless medicinal properties of this  lemon and garlic cure for numerous diseases.  

Cleanse your arteries and reduce cholesterol with garlic and lemon zest

Reduce cholesterol and get the following results if you decide to try this lemon and garlic cure  which we are about to explain to you:

  • It eliminates fat deposits that accumulate in the body.
  • It helps eliminate bad  cholesterol  (LDL) and get more of the good cholesterol (HDL).
  • Reduces the amount of triglycerides in the blood.
  • Helps prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • Lowers  blood pressure.
  • Improves liver function and its ability to cleanse.
  • Improves kidney function and helps reduce the amount of fluid that accumulates.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Strengthens the immune system and the body’s natural defenses.
  • Prevents the formation of tumors.
  • Renews and rejuvenates your cells through antioxidant properties.
Garlic and lemon

Who should try this?

This cleansing cure is recommended as a way to prevent or simply cleanse out your body once a year. That said, you will find it especially helpful if you suffer from one of the following health conditions:

  • Overweight
  • Ischemia
  • Sinusitis
  • Lung diseases
  • Headache
  • Blood clots in the brain
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gastritis
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Vision problems
  • Hearing problems
  • Atherosclerosis

What do you need?

You will need the following ingredients if you want to try this garlic and lemon cure:

  • 4 lemons
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 3 liters of boiled water

It would be good to use organic ingredients, especially organic lemons. Lemon peels  have even more benefits than the fruit inside, but non-organic products can be sprayed with harmful waxes and pesticides.


How can you cook it?

  • Peel the garlic and cut the cloves in half.
  • Wash the lemons thoroughly and cut them into small pieces without peeling them first.
  • Mix these ingredients with  hot water  that has boiled.
  • The mixture is divided into three separate glass containers and filled with the remaining hot water.
  • Close them and store them in the refrigerator for three days.
  • After three days have passed, strain the contents of the container and put it back in the refrigerator.

How should you drink it?

  • For the first few days , just take a tablespoon of this mixture half an hour before each meal.
  • If you have any side effects, you can increase this to two tablespoons half an hour before each meal.
  • Continue to increase the amount  until you can take 50 ml three times daily. In other words, you should not take more than 150 ml. daily.

This treatment should last forty days and you can do it once a year.

We always encourage you to follow any treatment, physical or otherwise, under medical supervision. This is especially important if you have any health issues or are taking any medications.

Remember that this is a  cleansing treatment  and in the first days you may experience that the symptoms get worse (saliva, headache, etc.). This is quite normal as your body has started working to remove the toxins.


Other similar cures

Garlic and lemon are both very commonly used to cleanse the body, so we would like to suggest a few other ways you can incorporate these foods into your diet without following the strict instructions on the garlic and lemon cure.

You can eat and drink lemon in many ways throughout the day to take advantage of its cleansing and other benefits, such as  its neutralizing and laxative properties, or to accompany other foods.

Garlic, on the other hand, is the basis of the famous  Tibetan garlic cure, which is similar to this cure, but it uses alcohol instead of lemon and may only be used once every five years according to a strict dosage, a bit like the one we explained in this article.

Reduce cholesterol today, try this lemon and garlic cure.

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