Learn How To Make A Delicious Strawberry And Watermelon Slushie

Slushies are both refreshing and nourishing on hot days. They quench thirst and are full of nutrients.
Learn how to make a delicious strawberry and watermelon slushie

Some summer days are so hot that no amount of water can quench your thirst. Therefore, you may need some other delicious cold drinks that cool you and also taste good. Learn How To Make An Amazing Strawberry And Watermelon Slushie That Can Do It All In This Article!

How to make a delicious strawberry and watermelon slushie

Slushies are both refreshing and nourishing on hot days.

They quench your thirst either gradually or immediately (depending on the type you drink). On the other hand, they are also the perfect way to get nutrients, and even more so if they are made with natural fruits.

To make this slushie, all you have to do is follow a few simple steps to get the most out of both fruits. You can also drink it with any of your meals or to limit your sugar cravings in the evening.

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On the other hand, the unique properties of this strawberry and watermelon slushie are directly related to the two fruits it contains. As you know, watermelon is one of the best natural cleansing fruits you have available. In addition, strawberries are an antioxidant fruit that is full of vitamins and minerals.

Watermelon is one of the best natural cleansing fruits you have available.  In addition, strawberries are an antioxidant fruit that is full of vitamins and minerals


  • 560 g watermelon
  • 240 g strawberry ice cream
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (15 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons sugar (30 g)
  • 1 pinch of salt (5 g)
  • 7 mint leaves (for decoration) (20 g)
  • 120 g


  • First, rinse the watermelon.
  • Then peel it, remove all the seeds, cut it into pieces and crush the pieces. To do this, it is best to use a food processor or a blender.
  • Once you have crushed the watermelon pieces, pour the liquid into a jug. Set it aside.
  • Then place the ice cream in the same blender or food processor.
  • Add olive oil, a pinch of salt and two tablespoons of sugar before crushing the ice cream.
  • Then add strawberry ice cream and blend the mixture. This way, your slushie will get thick.
  • Finally, serve the crushed watermelon in a glass, then pour the ice cream and strawberry lushie on top.
  • To give it a touch of freshness, decorate each glass you serve with mint leaves.

Also read: Discover the health benefits of mint tea

The nutritional value of strawberry and watermelon slushie

As you know, all fruits are beneficial in one way or another. Experience the nutritional values ​​of both strawberries and watermelon below.


Strawberries are rich in important antioxidants

Strawberries are rich in important antioxidants. In addition , they help keep your heart healthy.

They consist of water (90%) carbohydrates (8%) and natural fiber (2%). One cup of strawberries contains up to 3 grams of dietary fiber that is cleansing. It is good to eat at least two strawberries a day.


Watermelon is one of the best cleansing fruits, along with pineapple and oranges

Watermelon is one of the best cleansing fruits, along with pineapple and oranges.

It consists of water (94.6%), carbohydrates (4.5%), fiber (0.5%) and protein (0.4%).

In addition, this fruit is also an excellent antioxidant, mainly due to the citrulline, lycopene and beta-carotene it contains.

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