A Delicious Anti Stress Smoothie

This smoothie is rich in B and C vitamins and has soothing properties. These help us to relax and fight anxiety at the same time.
A delicious anti stress smoothie

Nothing makes us relax more after a stressful day than an anti-stress smoothie. This natural drink can be our best remedy for stress. This is especially true if we take an hour to relax in peace and quiet.

As we all know, stress stems from our mental process. Commitments, outside pressure and the noise from our thoughts are always our worst enemies.

That said,. If we are healthy inside, our brain can bless us with endorphins.

At the same time, the feeling of health helps us to see things from a different perspective.

That said, this is what we recommend:  Spend a moment on yourself. Do not rush. Let yourself enjoy the moment. In the future, one can enjoy this delicious anti-stress smoothie.

The best anti-stress foods

We need to use foods that are both organic and rich in nutrients that can help one’s mood.

In this article we will tell you what to look for in this easy and tasty natural smoothie.

Chia seeds

You can find chia seeds in any health store or specialty department in a supermarket. They are great for caring for one’s health. These seeds are also a “super food” that helps fight stress.

  • These small seeds contain many minerals. On the list are magnesium and B vitamins. Both of these are important in order to reduce stress.
  • The main advantage of these seeds is their  high content of omega-3 fatty acids. They are very good at controlling one’s mood. These acids are also good for taking care of one’s heart health.
Bowl with chia seeds


  • In almonds we find a mineral that we have already seen before. This is an excellent nutrient for regulating stress. It’s magnesium.
  • At the same time, these dried fruits are rich in fiber. It helps stabilize one’s blood sugar.
  • There is also a simple mix we can make to  combat anxiety. It is a mixture of B vitamins which are in this food as well as Vitamin C.


Strawberries are both rich in magnesium and give us large amounts of vitamin C.

  • Did you know that if we eat between 15 and 20 strawberries a day, we can get the daily recommended amount of vitamin C.
  • These fruits are rich in antioxidants, folic acid, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc and selenium.
  • Strawberries are very nutritious. They cover most of our nutritional needs when we find ourselves in a stressful period.
Bowl with strawberries

Protein powder with dark chocolate

  • In pharmacies and in stores with dietary supplements one can find this kind of powder.
  • These are proteins mixed with dark chocolate. This covers part of our nutritional needs without causing us to lose weight.
  • When we are in a period of stress and anxiety, our natural defenses become weaker. This means that we will have to get a large amount of nutrients and a lot of energy.
  • We must also not forget that chocolate increases the amount of endorphins. Dark chocolate is also rich in magnesium and is excellent for fighting stress.

Orange flower honey

There are many different types of honey. One of the ones with the most benefits is without a doubt orange blossom honey. It is known for its soothing properties.

One can find all these ingredients in a health store.

How to make this anti-stress smoothie



  • 200 ml almond milk
  • 10 strawberries
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds (5 grams)
  • 2 tablespoons orange blossom honey (50 grams)
  • 1 teaspoon protein powder with dark chocolate (5 grams)
  • 3 ice cubes

Course of action

  • First, wash the strawberries and cut in half. Be sure to use only organic strawberries. They should also not be too mature.
  • If it is not the season for strawberries,  one can replace them with another fruit that is rich in vitamin C. Papaya is also an excellent choice.
  • Then add almond milk, strawberries, chia seeds, honey and protein powder with dark chocolate in a blender.
  • Blend it all thoroughly for a few seconds, or until smooth. Then add the three ice cubes.
  • Then enjoy this soothing anti-stress smoothie. Then enjoy an hour of relaxation. You will find out how much better you feel afterwards.

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