Try To Make These 7 Fun Things With Old Boxes

Here we will show you 7 fun things, in fact small own crafts, which are both simple and characteristic and which you can make with old boxes.
Try to make these 7 fun things with old boxes

You can use old boxes you can keep your house tidy, and of course also make it a little nicer.

Decorating with boxes is an easy and fun way to create your own decor.

The boxes can be made of wood or even cardboard. Both are very easy to get and you can choose them depending on how you plan to use them.

Cardboard boxes come in many shapes and sizes, and the best part is that they are versatile. In addition to finding other uses for them, you reduce the impact on our environment by recycling these materials. In other words, it helps on many things to try with a little recycling.

On the other hand, when you use wooden boxes, you can make more robust crafts, and thereby can put more things in them. But you need to be careful when working with them as you may get splinters. 

Benefits of using old boxes for your craft

Boxes for crafts
  1. They are cheap
  2. They are in different sizes.
  3. They are practical and have different uses.
  4. They are easy to decorate with any paint, fabric, etc.
  5. They have different thicknesses and strengths that make them suitable for many different applications.
  6. Making your own craft helps your psychological and emotional health. It focuses your attention on what you are doing and not on what you are thinking about, which for many is very relaxing.

Now let’s see some of the possible crafts you can make from old boxes!

1. Desk box made of old boxes

Desk box

It is very common to have pens, pencils and markers everywhere on his desk, and thus could not find any of it. So we can give you an idea for an organizer made of a cardboard box.


  • Cardboard box
  • Empty toilet paper rolls
  • Paint
  • Glue


  • Decorate the box as you wish
  • Glue the rollers firmly inside the box
  • Paint the inside of the rollers.
  • Place pens and pencils inside the rollers.


  • Place the box on a desk
  • Use the smallest rollers for small items.
  • Use the longer rollers for rulers.
  • Put the different types of items in groups.

You can be creative!

2. Underwear organization

Organize your underwear

Looking at underwear in a disorganized drawer can really be a waste of time for a long time. This is actually time that you could spend in a different and better way. Also, a cluttered drawer is not nice to look at.

Therefore, we suggest an easy and quick idea to set up your own outerwear organization with cardboard boxes. 


  • Medium-sized cardboard box, such as a shoebox
  • Other old cardboard
  • Fabric to cover it
  • Fabric dressing


  • First, cover the entire box with fabric inside and out.
  • Then cut out pieces of cardboard to divide small spaces inside the box.
  • Cut pieces of fabric so that they can be used to cover the walls of the small rooms.
  • Place your items in each room, according to your preference.

3. A box for toilet paper


One of the simplest ways to decorate your bathroom is to use boxes. Rolls of toilet paper end up looking very nice in a covered box without a lid on a table or a shelf in the bathroom.


  • A box where 4 rolls fit
  • Glue
  • Yarn


  • Start at one end of the box by applying the glue.
  • Fasten the yarn over the glue and cover the whole box.
  • Let it dry.
  • Place the toilet paper rolls in your new box.

4. Towel storage

Like toilet paper, towels tend to end up in disarray. A good idea is to roll them up and place them inside a covered box.

You can also cover the top and use it if that is what you want.

5. A box of tea

You can use some of your smaller boxes to store your tea collection. To make it a little more fun, you can even have a larger box in which you have many small boxes for the different kinds of tea. In fact, it is only your own imagination that sets the limits here!

Macha te

Today there are many types of tea, and having them in the same box is a practical solution and also very decorative.

The best way is to use wooden boxes as they are more robust.


  • Small pieces of wood to make partitions
  • Wooden box or box
  • Glue
  • Paint
  • Lak


  • First, cut small pieces of wood, possibly with a small saw.
  • Glue these pieces together and let them dry.
  • Now paint them with the colors you like best.
  • Use a little varnish at the end as it helps preserve the wood.

6. A shelf for your leaves

A shelf is one of the most classic crafts available that you can make from old boxes. It is a good idea to keep your magazines and magazines in order and at the same time make them look nice by placing them on a shelf or stand.


  • Rectangular cardboard boxes
  • Newspaper
  • Glue
  • Paint
  • Water


  • Take a suitable box and place it upright. Cut diagonally halfway down the box. That way, you can more easily  identify the magazines.
  • Do the same with another box.
  • Glue them together and let them dry.
  • On the other hand, you need to cut newspapers.
  • Make a mixture of equal parts water and newspaper mass.
  • Spread the mixture over the box, glue any sticky pieces on it. This will give it better strength.
  • Let it dry.
  • Finally, paint it according to your own wishes.

You can replace the newspaper with toilet paper. Besides making it more robust, it will give a hard texture that will look nice.

7. Storage space

Storage jewelry

This is a great way to store various kinds of little things and accessories. It’s better than just picking them up in a drawer. They get better  organized and you can see them right away. 


  • A small, low box.
  • Shelf paper or wrapping paper
  • Pieces of fabric
  • Glue


  • Cover the box with decorative paper both inside and out.
  • Roll the fabric and place it inside the box.
  • Place rings between the fabric rolls.
  • The result will be a beautiful box that is suitable for storing various things in.

Overall, you can relax and enjoy crafts with boxes and easily decorate your rooms with them. It is also cheap and easy. Use your imagination!

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