Cosmetic Routine: Everything You Need To Know

A cosmetic routine aims to keep your skin healthy and free of imperfections. What does it consist of? What should it contain? In this article we tell you all about it!
Cosmetic routine: Everything you need to know

Most people go up in their skin care. Therefore, maintaining a cosmetic routine becomes a big mouthful. To implement this, we need products with special features that help simplify skin care.

However, it is important to take into account other care. What are the factors that cause skin damage? Why is it so important to follow a cosmetic routine?

Here are all the details!

Factors that cause skin damage

Every day, the skin is exposed to a large number of factors that can cause skin damage. Over time , this even affects the occurrence of signs of aging. According to a publication in Dermato-Endocrinology, these factors include:

  • Sunlight and blue light from electronic screens. Both are associated with the appearance of spots.
  • Cigarette smoking. This can change the skin color to a greyish color.
  • Poor sleep. It is related to the presence of dark circles under the eyes, swollen eyes and increased pallor.
  • Stress affects skin color, worsens skin diseases and contributes to premature aging.
  • Extreme temperatures cause changes in the production of the skin’s natural oils, which increase dryness.
  • Pollution clogs the pores and produces oxidative stress, which manifests itself as wrinkles and blemishes.
Woman scratching her face

Cosmetic routine: Less is more

It is good to keep in mind that the philosophy of “less is more” applies to the cosmetic routine. The simpler the skin care, the easier it is to maintain it over time and to find a suitable time of day to perform it.

On the other hand, using too many products can increase the risk of skin sensitivity or allergies. Therefore, it is best to choose the right options according to the characteristics of the skin and its needs. If in doubt, consult a dermatologist.

Steps to the best cosmetic routine

A cosmetic routine aims to help beautify the skin while reducing the risk of premature aging. For this, three basic steps that can be used during the day are recommended.


Ideally, you should do it in the morning and in the evening. You can use a cleansing lotion or micellar water specifically for sensitive or oily skin. With the consistency that suits you best (gel, water, milk, etc.). You can use a cotton ball or just use your fingertips without causing too much friction on the skin.

A woman cleaning her face


After cleansing, moisturize the skin. This step is important as the skin needs to maintain the right level of water so that it retains its barrier function and elasticity. This step must be adapted to the needs of the skin according to its special characteristics.

Products with vitamin C or creams with hyaluronic acid can be used as stated in the 2014 publication in The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. In addition, you must perform proper cleaning for it to be effective.

Sun protection

It is very important to avoid future tissue damage, irritating spots or simply aging of the skin. In fact, no one should leave home without first applying a good sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

Other recommendations for the cosmetic routine

There are other simple steps that complement the basic steps of the cosmetic routine. With regard to this, it is convenient to pay attention to the care you perform in the evening. Facial cleansing is recommended to remove dirt from the skin and any remnants of makeup that may be left over from the day.

After cleansing, the next step is to use a product with retinol or AHA (alpha-hydroxy acids), which has a slight exfoliating effect. It can also be a product with antioxidants (eg vitamin C).

A woman gets face cream on

Weekly exfoliation as part of a cosmetic routine

Next, it is ideal to exfoliate every 7 to 14 days so as not to cause aggression on the skin.

Overall, the purpose of this treatment is to help remove dead cells that are not eliminated naturally. After application, it is good to use a mask with a nourishing or soothing effect.

Annual dermatological check

Lastly, it is important to get an annual checkup from a dermatologist to  check for nevus, sunspots or any other skin condition . You can do this with an annual consultation with a professional. Needless to say, these preventive measures are also important.

Overall, the best skin care routine is one that maintains the skin in good condition, maintains the natural hydration and protects it from external factors.

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