Four Exercises For Toned Abdominal Muscles

It is very important not to put pressure on the neck when doing abdominal bends as you can injure yourself. Plus, the exercise will not be effective this way.
Four exercises for toned abdominal muscles

Having toned abdominal muscles is a dream that both men and women share. It is also a sign of good health.

However, belly fat is not easy to eliminate and therefore it is necessary to perform exercises to maintain good abdominal muscles.

The abdominal muscles are always there, although we can not always see them. Sometimes they are hidden behind a layer of fat, which can be quite annoying.

Now, to get rid of these fats, just exercise them.

In this article, we share our series of exercises that can be performed to gain toned abdominal muscles.

1. Make the plank to get toned abdominal muscles

Woman making the plank

This is a well-known exercise that is easy to perform and very effective at working on all the muscles in your body, especially those in the abdomen.

  • To perform this exercise, lie face down and stretch your body on a flat surface, preferably on a mat.
  • The position looks like an arm bend. Instead of using your hands for support, place your forearms on the mat.
  • Your elbows should remain at the same distance as your shoulders. You can form a square by placing one forearm over the other.
  • Now you need to keep your body weight up with your forearms and the tips of your feet, which should be in line with your hips.
  • When you are in this position, hold it and contract your abdominal muscles.
  • Your back should always be straight so you can draw a straight line on your body going from your head to your heels.
  • Remain in this position for at least 30 seconds. You only need to do it once, but the longer you can hold the position, the better.

2. Russian twists

Man making Russian twists

This is an ideal exercise to keep your oblique muscles in shape.

  • To perform the exercise, lie on a mat with your face facing the ceiling.
  • Then lift your upper body so that you are almost sitting up. Lift your legs so that they are swollen without touching the mat while maintaining the support from both your feet.
  • Next, stretch your arms completely and fold your fingers.
  • You need to balance the upper part of your body and you stay straight from one side first to the other until you reach your limit. Hold the position for two seconds.
  • Then turn to the other side and repeat the movement. A complete movement to both sides counts as a repetition.
  • You must perform at least eight repetitions of three sets in the exercise.

Reverse bike

Woman doing cycling exercise

The inverted bike is one of the best exercises for toned abdominal muscles.

  • To do the exercise, lie down on an exercise mat.
  • Lie on your back. Then put your fingers together and place your hands on your neck so that your elbows are facing outwards.
  • Next, raise your left knee and then your right so that a right angle is formed with the leg at hip height.
  • Then rotate the upper part of your body so that your right elbow reaches your left knee.
  • Perform the same movement with your right leg.
  • A movement with both legs counts as a repetition. Perform at least three sets of twelve repetitions each.

4. Opposite contractions

Woman in the gym - toned abdominal muscles

This is a very easy and comfortable exercise to do, especially for women. By doing this exercise you can work on your lower and oblique abdominal muscles.

  • To do this exercise, lie on your back on a comfortable surface like an exercise mat. The palms of your hands should extend and touch the ground completely.
  • Now you need to raise your legs so that they are higher than your hips and form a right angle with your whole body.
  • Your legs should not be bent or separated during the exercise.
  • To separate your hips from the floor, tense up your lower abdominal muscles.
  • With your legs up, hold the position for at least three seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
  • You must perform at least eight repetitions.

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