Say Goodbye To Smelly Shoes With These 6 Homemade Tricks

To get the best results when it comes to cleaning our shoes and eliminating the annoying bad odors, it is important that we let these simple remedies do their job for several hours. 
Say goodbye to smelly shoes with these 6 homemade tricks

Having smelly shoes is a very common problem. Most of the time due to the lack of attention to foot hygiene.

Continuous exposure to bacteria, sweat and close contact with synthetic substances can often make this unpleasant situation worse.

The problem is that many people prefer to try to ignore the problem – and the simple steps they can take to avoid it. Thus, the odors build up and become more difficult to eliminate completely.

The good news is that there are a few ingredients with deodorant and antibacterial properties that, when applied, work effectively to cleanse your shoes and neutralize the unpleasant odor.

In this article, we want to share 6 homemade recipes for tricks you can use right away before you think about wasting money on expensive commercial products that do the same job.

Ready to get started?

1. Lemon peel

Sneakers with lemon peel

Peel of citrus fruits, as well as having a pleasant but strong odor, also has powerful antimicrobial properties. These make it the perfect tool to get rid of lingering odors that hang in your favorite boots as uninvited guests.

Applying it several times a week deodorizes and disinfects the inner part of the footwear. This helps to inhibit the growth of the harmful bacteria and fungi that cause odor.

How to use them

  • Take the peel from several lemons, oranges or other citrus fruits, and cut them into several pieces.
  • Then simply place them in the shoes you want to deodorize and let them stand overnight as a start to get rid of the odor.
  • Repeat this several times a week until the scent is completely eliminated.

2. Tea tree oil for smelly shoes

Next, essential tea tree oil is a powerful anti-fungal and antibacterial product. When used in small amounts, it can be used to help you say goodbye to the annoying odors that affect our footwear from time to time.

It also helps fight the harmful bacteria that build up in your shoes. Even better, it restores the correct pH level, which can become unbalanced due to the excess sweat produced by the feet.

Instructions for use

  • Apply 5 to 6 drops of essential tea-tree oil on the inside of your shoes and leave it overnight to be absorbed into the material.
  • If the bad smell continues the next day, repeat the process the following day.
  • If you are dealing with an extremely strong odor, combine the oil with a little soda.

3. Natron

Bowl with baking soda

Baking soda is one of the strongest, most effective and most popular natural deodorants available.

Due to its antimicrobial and fungal properties, it helps to remove bacteria and fungi that are usually responsible for the unpleasant odors that come from our shoes.

How to use it

  • Take a little bit of baking soda and simply put the powder down in each shoe.
  • Let it work all night to absorb moisture and bacteria that cause embarrassing odors.
  • Repeat this process every day until you are completely free of the odors.

4. Essential lavender oil for smelly shoes

The antimicrobial compounds found in high concentrations in the lavender plant’s essential oil are a very effective ally in the fight against getting rid of the strong odors that are so easily retained in footwear.

Not to mention the well-known aromatic properties of lavender. All in all, using lavender oil is a great way to remove unpleasant odors and prevent excessive sweating.

How to use it

  • Put 5 or 6 drops of essential lavender oil down in each shoe and let it work all night.
  • Repeat the operation 2 or 3 times a week to keep the shoes clean and disinfected.

5. Apple cider vinegar for smelly shoes


This natural product contains a substance called malic acid. Due to its ability to regulate pH levels  , it fights bacteria and fungi that cause bad odors.

These compounds inhibit strong odors in the footwear. In addition, they help prevent infections that can affect your feet.

How to use it

  • Grab some organic apple cider vinegar, which will be available in many grocery stores in your area.
  • Then apply it on the inside of your shoes using a piece of cotton.
  • Let it work for 10 to 12 hours  and repeat if the smell continues.

6. Lemon juice for smelly shoes

While lemon peel is a great way to neutralize bad odors, the natural juice with the same power can also be a great ally in solving the same problem.

This is due to its antibacterial and anti-fungal effect. This has the ability to inhibit the growth of microorganisms behind bad odors.

How to use it

  • Squeeze some fresh lemon juice and place it on the inside of the shoes you want to deodorize.
  • Let it dry completely. Continue to do this on a daily basis until the odor disappears.

Are you ready to try these practical and simple tricks? If the special smell from your favorite shoes starts to make you blush, just resort to these traditional remedies. You can easily get rid of the problem without breaking the bank!

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