Video Games Affect Young People In These Ways

Are you worried about how video games affect young people? Some of the recommendations and suggestions you can follow are to monitor the activity of playing video games and discuss the content of the game.
Video games affect young people in these ways

Society as a whole tends to believe that video games mostly affect young people in negative ways. However, it is essential to  identify which of these perceptions are myths and which are based on evidence.

Just like with the rest of technology today,  video games have their uses. However, there are many variables in games, such as age, the duration of the game, the themes that the video game discusses, even the characteristics of the users – in this case, young people.

Video games affect young people

Several studies have shown that some video games can actually improve cognitive parameters, as well as the ability to  solve problems and process information. However, other recognized sources warn  of potential risks.

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) in North America emphasizes that:

Boy plays video games, though video games affect young people in many ways

Likewise, researchers from this scientific community point out that video games have become very sophisticated and realistic. Some games “are connected to the Internet, allowing children and teenagers to play and have conversations with adults and unknown players”.

It is therefore fundamental to be aware and aware of the possible dangers  and to be vigilant.

Some games have educational content. However, many of the most popular also contain negative aspects: They  promote violence against humans and animals. Some even contain  prejudiced or discriminatory traits, gender violence, and stereotypes  that reinforce the existence of certain negative stigmas.

Possible effects of the use of video games among young people

Most of these concerns are related to the effects of excessive use of video games in young people and their degree of involvement with roles and characters, as well as the difficulty of controlling how long they play.

What are some of the possible harmful effects of playing too much?

Although it is not possible to talk about all the negative effects,  it is important to know the following:

  • Less time for socializing  with friends and family.
  • Insufficient time for school and leisure activities.
  • Less exercise and a more sedentary lifestyle, with a  greater risk of obesity.
Young man playing video games

What can be done about how video games affect young people?

  • Family and educational institutions will need to promote  better use of video games. They will thus reduce the dangerous effects and instead promote the emergence of benefits.
  • Choose video games that you can play  with the kids. Be sure to talk about the content of the game. Also keep an eye out for any social interactions that may occur in the video game.
  • In the context of this, it is important to  establish specific times to play and follow these schedules.

Overall, it is also important to keep in mind that  there are many different types of video games,  such as platforms.

These types of video games are the ones that go from one platform to the next, on sequential screens, and at the same time they overcome obstacles. They promote a fast thought process since the action is fast. Precisely for that reason, however, they can cause fatigue and inhibit concentration during subsequent activities.

The existence of sports-related and non-sports-related games, as well as games with simulation or shooting and fights, where there are “fast fights with martial arts or firearms”, are for the same reason not very healthy.

These violent games are perhaps the most notorious and have therefore given video games a generally bad reputation. In fact, some studies show that these violent types of games can increase violent tendencies in children who play them.


  • Video games are here to stay, so it’s not a good idea to ban them. Instead,  adequate supervision – by accompanying the child – is the best solution. This allows parents to show young people how to safely use the technology from a young age.
  • It is necessary to eradicate myths that claim that there is  always  a negative connection between young people and video games. The truth is, it’s complicated. As with everything else,  video games can be okay and even have benefits if used properly.
  • Talk to other  parents, teachers, and health professionals about these topics,  for these people can be a great help when parents lack tools.

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