Salt Can Be Replaced With These 8 Spices

Since the foods we eat already contain a lot of salt, you can avoid adding more by using a salty subtitle.
Salt can be replaced with these 8 spices

Salt is one of the ingredients we are most used to using when we cook because  it is great for improving the taste of our food. It is a source of minerals that help the body balance its levels of electrolytes and helps with other important processes for your health. Salt can be replaced by other spices.

The problem is that we usually consume too much salt. Often ignoring the negative effects we add to almost all of our dishes.

Although it may seem harmless at first, you can develop inflammatory, cardiovascular and kidney problems over time from too much salt.

Therefore,  it is necessary to limit your daily intake of this mineral. To do this, you can reduce your consumption of foods that contain salt and choose to use another salt substitute in the kitchen.

Since we know that some may not be familiar with these spices,  we will share the 8 of the most recommended of these. 

Salt can be replaced with garlic

garlic replaces salt

Garlic is a spice that is rich in  vitamins, minerals and antioxidants  . Once absorbed into the body, they help prevent a number of diseases.

Unlike salt,  it is an ingredient with anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties,  the effects of which reduce fluid retention and cardiovascular problems.

The best part is that it helps to produce the taste of:

  • Red and white meat
  • Fish and shellfish
  • Supper

2. Salt can be replaced with garlic powder

With similar properties to garlic as well as natural substances like allicin, garlic powder is a good option when trying to reduce your salt intake.

Although it has less properties than the vegetable in its natural state,  its nutrients are a good option when trying to add flavor to your foods. 

Add onion powder to:

  • Meat and seafood
  • Soups and stews
  • Rice
  • Sautéed vegetables
  • Salads

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3. Black pepper can also replace salt

black pepper

Black pepper is a spice with  anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.  Once inside the body, these tissues protect when faced with the negative effects of free radicals.

Its properties can help the body with high blood pressure. Over time, it can  improve your kidney function by stimulating the elimination of fluids.

Its delicious taste goes well with:

  • Meat and fish
  • Stews, sauces and dressings
  • Recipes with vegetables
  • pasta

Salt can be replaced by oregano

Known for its medicinal properties, oregano is a delicious ingredient that you can use as a substitute for salt in many different recipes.

It contains vitamins, minerals and essential oils that work well with its  antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Regular consumption can improve your immune system  and could reduce the risk of breathing difficulties.

Enjoy it with foods like:

  • Red and white meats
  • Fish and shellfish
  • Pizza and recipes with cheese
  • stews
  • Fruit and vegetable smoothies
  • Salads
  • Rice
  • Pasta

5. Cumin


A little bit of cumin in your dishes can give them a nice taste when you try to limit your consumption of refined salt.

This ingredient contains antioxidants, which reduce the negative effects of free radicals in the environment.

Regular consumption helps  control cholesterol  and  reduces the risk of serious cardiovascular problems. 

Choose to use this spice in:

  • Meat and fish
  • Soups and stews
  • Rice
  • Vegetables

6. Anise

Anise has a very special taste that goes really well with recipes that have meat and vegetables.

The many nutritional properties of this ingredient help, among other things  , improve your digestion of food. 

7. Ginger

salt can be replaced with ginger

Known for its  anti-inflammatory, digestive and antioxidant properties, ginger is another great option when trying to reduce your salt intake.

This is due to the high concentration of a substance known as  gingerol  , which in addition to its spicy taste gives it certain medicinal benefits.

You can add it to:

  • Bread and cakes
  • Fruit and vegetable smoothies
  • Salads
  • Casseroles and soups

8. Turmeric

Turmeric is a well-known spice in the culinary world, not only due to its special taste, but for the orange color that it gives our dishes.

This spice is loaded with antioxidants, and is a great option to use when you want to add flavor to your food without using salt.

Its anti-inflammatory, digestive and antibacterial properties  help to improve your health and protect your cells  when faced with diseases.

Use turmeric as a substitute for salt in dishes such as:

  • Soups and stews
  • Rice
  • Prayers
  • Vegetable salads
  • Sauces and dressings

Do you use salt in all the food you make? If the answer is yes, choose a salt substitute from the spices mentioned above, to replace it and discover that you can add good taste without harming your health.

Remember that although you should not completely eliminate salt from your diet, you can  do the best you can to consume only the recommended amount, a good choice for your health.

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