Six Things That Absent Parents Do Wrong

You can provide your child with all the food, clothing, security, shelter, and toys he or she needs and still be an absent parent.
Six things that absent parents do wrong

Absent parents are not able to create an emotional connection with their children. There can be many different reasons for this. In any case, it is a big problem.

A parent can provide the child with food, clothing, security, shelter and toys. They can give them everything they need and still be absent.

Six things that absent parents do wrong

Absent parents either can or will not be involved in their child’s life. When the parents are not mentally present, it can leave deep wounds and an emotional vacuum in the child. It is often the absent father who is talked about the most, but absent mothers are also common.

Absent parents often do one or more of these six things wrong, as we describe below. If you do some of these things, then maybe it’s time to change your trading patterns.

It is important to have a strong bond with your child, and it is difficult if you are absent.

Absent parents do not really listen to their children

Although father or mother is physically present, they may not always be emotionally present. Some parents have a very fixed idea of ​​what the family should look like and are not interested in hearing the opinions of others.

The absent parent does not know what their children actually think. Nor do they make any effort to find out. It also often happens that the children’s efforts or development are overlooked and that the absent parent only notices negative behavior in the child.

Father yells at children

Absent parents do not give their children structure in everyday life

Absent parents may be a safe financial resource, but they are not involved in teaching their children how to behave in the world.

They do not set clear boundaries for the children, which can be very confusing for them. Instead, they are often left to figure out for themselves what is right and wrong.

Absent parents can not give either rice or praise. It makes the kids confused and insecure. Children need clear rules and a fixed framework, because it is not their responsibility to know how everyday life should be connected.

Also read: Toxic Behavior Parents Are Not Aware Of

Absent parents are emotionally immature

The absent parent himself is a bit like a child who cannot grow up. Children are a burden on their lifestyle . They do not have the maturity to make decisions and give their children what they need.

They do not feel an obligation to their children, and focus more on themselves. It also means they can not be a positive role model because they always prioritize their own needs first. Many behave childishly if they do not get what they want.

Child looking at man

4. The absent parent never has time

The absent parent can also be characterized by the fact that he never has time. Maybe he’s coming home late from work. Maybe he does not have the surplus to also be present when he finally has time off.

Some parents write with their children on messenger or text message while at work, but that is not always enough. Children also need physical contact with their parents. They need hugs and love, not just words on the phone.

Absent parents do not have the strength to take responsibility

Parents today have a long working day and it is not abnormal for the children to be in SFO for many hours every afternoon. They go to sports and play with their friends, but in the end it does not give much time to be with their parents.

This means that parents often never learn to take on the important conflicts with their children. Instead, they leave it to various leisure schemes. That’s normal enough. But it becomes a problem when parents can not take responsibility for their children’s values ​​and upbringing.

Also read: Abundant flu: When rich parents do not set boundaries

Absent parents are involved in their own toxic drama

Some parents become hugely involved in their own personal drama. Who is the ex now with, and how can I best make life miserable for him or her?

Instead of paying attention to the needs of the child, they are instead only aware of insignificant events in their own lives.

It is important for parents to be able to be “professional” and “adult” in their relationships, even if it is the ex-boyfriend.

Man and woman pull in child.

Therefore, it is difficult for the child to have an absent parent

It can be difficult for children to grow up with one or two absent parents. They often get:

  • Problems relating to others.
  • Emotional problems.
  • Inability to follow rules and respect authorities.
  • Inability to take responsibility.
  • Lack of will or ability to carry out dreams or projects.

A responsible, loving and positive parent is not only crucial for children to grow up healthy, confident and with good self-esteem. It is also an opportunity for the parent to heal their own wounds if they themselves grew up with an absent parent.

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