Fight Colds With Honey And Ginger Syrup

The properties of this homemade honey and ginger syrup are great for preventing and relieving the symptoms of colds without having to rely on chemicals.
Fight colds with honey and ginger syrup

A few times a year, especially when the weather gets colder,  it is common for the immune system to weaken and colds to occur. Then it’s time to tackle colds such as honey and ginger syrup.

Although this is not the only factor causing this condition, being exposed to low temperatures can increase the risk significantly.

Therefore, it triggers a number of symptoms  that, depending on the severity of the cold, can affect your quality of life for a few days.

However, there are various commercial and homemade remedies that can  significantly reduce your symptoms  so that they do not interfere with your daily activities.

Among these remedies is a natural syrup made from honey and ginger that gives the body many nutrients and properties that strengthen its defenses. 

In this article, we discuss the benefits and an easy recipe you can prepare at home.

Try it!

Get rid of the common cold with homemade honey and ginger syrup

The combination of bee honey and ginger gives us a natural syrup that fights the unpleasant symptoms of flu and colds.

These ingredients are a source of essential substances that, when absorbed, strengthen the immune system. This helps the body respond to viruses that cause this condition.

The difference between this syrup and those sold in the store is that this recipe is free of additives.  Therefore, you can take this remedy safely and without risk of side effects.

Also Read: Things You Should Know Before Going On A Lemon Cure

Benefits of honey

honey and colds

Honey is a powerful antiviral and antibacterial ingredient that has been used since the dawn of time as a natural remedy for problems affecting our airways. 

Rich in enzymes and essential amino acids, it makes an effective treatment for excess mucus, congestion and other cold symptoms.

  • First of all, it contains vitamin C and vitamin A, both of which are needed to improve your defenses when faced with a virus attack.
  • It provides trace elements such as potassium and magnesium, which are needed to inhibit the action of the microorganisms in the body.
  • Its anti-inflammatory power soothes respiratory irritation and at the same time controls your cough and sore throat.

Benefits of ginger

ginger fights colds

Ginger is a spice with anti-inflammatory properties and tumors that have been used for centuries to treat colds.

  • Gingerol, its main active ingredient, provides antibiotic effects that help remove viruses and bacteria that affect your lung health
  • It is full of nutrients like vitamin C, which is important for strengthening the immune system and increasing the production of antibodies
  • Ginger provides the body with potassium, niacin and phosphorus that help control inflammation
  • It also has antitussive properties which are the key to relieving your cough
  • Its high content of antioxidants helps cleanse and protect the airways while minimizing the negative effects of free radicals and toxins.

Also read: How to stop your baby’s hiccups

How do I make this homemade honey and ginger syrup for colds?

syrup colds

It is quite simple to make this syrup, if compared to conventional methods, it is much more cost effective.

The best part is that you do not have to be sick to do it. It can be stored easily so   you can take it regularly as a way to support your defenses.

So when the weather starts to get colder and you feel cold, do not hesitate to start using this remedy.


  • 1 medium ginger root
  • 1 cup organic honey (335 g)

Kitchen equipment

  • Airtight glass jar

Course of action

  • Peel the ginger and cut into fine slices
  • Add the spice to the glass jar and cover it with the cup handle
  • Close the jar. Put it in a dark place for 48 hours so that the ginger can take effect.
  • After 48 hours, start treatment with syrup

How to take the syrup

  • To fight colds, consume 3-4 tablespoons of syrup a day
  • As a preventative method, consume 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach every day
  • Give children the dose in teaspoons
  • If you want, you can gently combine the syrup with hot water and lemon to make it easier to consume

As you can see, it is very easy to make your own syrup to fight cold symptoms that affect your health.

Follow the given recommendations and experience the benefits for yourself.

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