4 Yoga Poses To Relieve Back Pain

Because these yoga poses also stretch the back and relieve pressure, one is able to relax more throughout the area, which relieves pain and prevents future injuries
4 yoga poses to relieve back pain

Nowadays, back pain has become one of the most common problems in society thanks to our persistent use of technological devices and the tensions associated with it. Today we bring you 4 yoga poses to relieve back pain.

Most of the time, the pain will go away with a little rest and a few painkillers. But it can also last longer than usual, which over time will require you to follow a different tactic to treat it.

While it may not seem beneficial to begin with, it may be a beneficial therapy to perform a few yoga exercises to improve and relieve back pain.

By stimulating the blood circulation and relieving tension in the muscles, you will quickly calm the area and improve your condition.

In this article, we will share the four best yoga postures to relieve back pain that one should not hesitate to try at home or in his office. Start now!

Stretch forward to relieve back pain


This movement stretches the stressed muscles in the spine and stimulates one’s central nervous system.

Here’s how to do it

  • Stand on a yoga mat and spread your feet to hip width.
  • Bend at the knees so that your upper body leans over your legs, and keep bending until your thighs touch your abdomen.
  • Tie the fists and place them in the opposite bent elbow.
  • Relax your back, neck and head and clench your fists properly.
  • Perform this position 10 to 20 times while breathing in and out slowly and deeply.

2. Plank up against the wall

Plank against the wall

This movement is a bit more complicated and requires some practice to be able to perform it properly.

It is ideal for relieving back pain in the lower back, but can also reduce tension in the upper body.

Here’s how to do it

  • Stand with your face against a wall and your hands outstretched. Lean your body forward and place both palms on the wall.
  • Press your fingers against the wall and pull your navel inward as you stretch your tailbone down toward the floor.
  • Lift your ribs from your pelvis so that you achieve a natural curvature in the lower back and tense in the abdomen.
  • Hold the spine straight and start walking slowly backwards with your legs by bending the hip until you form an L md body.
  • Repeat this exercise for 10 to 20 road strokes and slowly return to the starting position.

3. Downward facing dog

Yoga position

The downward facing dog or “Adho Mukha Svanasana” is an ideal position that stretches one’s entire body.

It soothes the nerves in the spine and promotes good blood circulation throughout the body.

It also strengthens the muscles and joints in the arms, legs, neck and back.

Here’s how to do it

  • Place yourself on all fours with your feet spread to hip width using your hands and feet to support you.
  • Lift yourself up on your toes. Now you are in the downward facing dog position.
  • It is important to avoid bending too much in the back as it will overwork your muscles.
  • Lift your ribs to add firmness to your shoulders and spine.
  • Press your tailbone forward against the heels and apply pressure to the middle and outer parts of the feet.

4. The child’s position

The child's position

“Balance” or the position of the child is a relaxing movement that actively extends and lengthens one’s spine.

It is a resting position between exercises or a good way to end an stretching routine. It is recommended to relieve stress associated with stress.

Here’s how to do it

  • Lie on your knees on the floor and press your chest against your knees to achieve the position of the baby. Hold the position for a few minutes.
  • Try performing this position with your knees spread but your toes touching, then gather your knees to better stretch into your spine.
  • If your head does not hit the floor, place a yoga block under your forehead so you can relax completely.
  • Your arms may be outstretched in front of you, but they may also be down the side.
  • Take a deep breath. Every time you exhale, imagine the tension disappearing.

As you can see, it is easy to perform a few yoga poses to improve one’s well-being.

If you combine them with breathing exercises or meditation, you will achieve even more benefits for a balanced body and soul.

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