Natural Medicines For Children With Poor Appetite

First, it is important to make sure that your child’s lack of appetite is not due to a medical problem. Contact a doctor to remove any doubt.
Natural remedies for children with poor appetite

A child with a small appetite can be a source of constant concern for parents who often do not know how to read this problem. It can also make a child feel stressed forcing them to eat more than they would. The key is to address their poor appetite naturally, so that’s why we come here with natural remedies for children with poor appetite.

In this article, we examine natural remedies for children with poor appetite so that they eat everything their body needs without having to force them.

Reasons why children will not eat

Many children go through stages of childhood where they are not very hungry. In some cases, the baby goes through a phase and it does not last long. But sometimes it can be longer and lead to weight loss, which worries parents a lot.

Some reasons a child may not have much of an appetite include:

  • Food intolerances: In some cases, when a child’s poor appetite involves only certain foods, it may mean that they are intolerant to them.

This can e.g. spoon with milk, flour and dried fruit. You will need to consider if your child may have a digestive problem.

  • Anemia: Iron deficiency may be why your child has a small appetite. In this case, make sure their diet is balanced and adequate.

You can also add iron-rich foods to their diet.

  • Intestinal parasites: Parasites are very common in children as they often get their hands in their mouths. However, their symptoms may go unnoticed or be confused with other problems.

Other symptoms include nervousness, dilated pupils or itchy nose / anus.

  • Emotional problems: Avoid ruling out emotional problems as the cause. For example, a complicated family life or any problem in a child’s environment can affect their appetite.
  • Other diseases: If their appetite does not return quickly or is excessive, consult your doctor so that they can perform the necessary tests. This way, you can rule out disease as the cause.

Before giving your child medication, keep in mind that some cause harmful effects. For this reason, it is recommended that you first try natural remedies, accompanied by a balanced diet and lifestyle.

Natural remedies for children with poor appetite

1. Pollen


Pollen is a Superfood that can address a child’s nutritional deficiencies, such as anemia.

2. Nutritious yeast

Nutritious yeast is rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids and is excellent for increasing appetite. In addition, it is an ideal supplement that promotes healthy physical and mental development.

3. Common yarrow

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Plain yarrow is a drug that increases appetite and aids digestion.

It is also used to prevent and eliminate intestinal parasites, which may be responsible for the loss of appetite.

4. Alfalfa

Alfalfa is a highly alkalizing and healthy food that is ideal for the prevention of various health problems.

  • In addition it stimulates appetite, it fights heartburn and prevents stomach ulcers.

5. Original recipes


Try to make food that looks visually appealing so that your child will try new things. You can make shapes or other unique looking dishes out of the food.

If they do not want to eat legumes, fish or vegetables, try making fillings or dough with these ingredients.

A good way to get them to eat legumes is by using chickpea flour.

6. Help in the kitchen

Children must help in the kitchen according to their age.

This will help increase their appetite and they will want to eat what they have made themselves.

7. Sports

Family lying on a training mat - children with poor appetite

A major problem for children today is that their lifestyle is much more sedentary than before.

This is the result of new technology, city life or overworked parents. It is critical that they play and participate in dynamic activities every day.

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