Poor Digestion And Emotional Problems

If we notice that our emotional problems give us digestive problems, we must look for strategies and solutions so that we do not aggravate the digestive problems.
Poor digestion and emotional problems

When we have indigestion such as acid, heartburn, nausea, gas, bloating or constipation, the first thing we need to focus on is our diet. Our diet is associated with many health problems and especially digestive problems. But one must also keep in mind the importance of our emotions, which can often trigger some of these imbalances. In this article , we will explain the relationship that exists between the digestive system and emotional issues, including natural remedies and some simple tips that will help you to a better digestive system and quality of life.

Our brain is connected to our digestive system. They communicate together and its well-being depends on the other. Therefore, if the digestive system receives negative nerve stimuli, the digestion will also be negatively affected. And in the same way, if we do not digest our food properly, it can affect our mood.

Despite the fact that this seems complicated, the solution is easy: A positive mental state will help digestion, and a good digestion will contribute to a balanced mental state.

Poor digestion can be associated with emotional problems

Who has not from time to time had problems with his stomach after experiencing something unpleasant? Our body has some very basic survival instincts and it is clear that the digestive system is not prioritized when we are facing a difficult situation. In this context, we are like animals, and one can say that when confronted with an emergency, the body prepares to flee and other bodily functions, such as digestion, are equated.

For this reason, we must realize that if we are in a stressful situation (which in reality is like an emergency) and we can not remove the stress, then it is likely that we will have digestive problems, as the body will prioritize this over other vital functions.

In addition to stress, the emotions that easily affect our digestive system are the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Grief
  • excitement
  • Anger or rage

Not all people who suffer from these strong emotions will also suffer from indigestion , but those who do need to be aware of it so that they can address this imbalance, especially if they have already made changes to their diet, but still struggling with digestive problems.


The typical digestive problems that have a psychosomatic origin are the following:

  • Gastritis
  • Hiatus hernie
  • Ulcer

Once we have realized that a digestive problem can have many causes, we should also address the emotional issues. It is best to consult a holistic therapist who will take into account all the different aspects of a disease (diet, lifestyle, psychology, etc.), but we should also find out as much as we can ourselves and try some natural remedies:

  • Medicinal plants with relaxing properties can help us regulate our nervous system: the most well-known are lemon balm or passion flower, linden or valerian.
  • Natural supplements and foods that balance the nervous system: rice and whole grains, brewer’s yeast, nuts, green vegetables, dates, garbanzo beans or chickpeas and bananas.
  • Avoid foods that stimulate, irritate or alter your nervous or digestive system: roasted coffee, soda, guarana, alcohol, white sugar and food additives (preservatives, dyes and flavors).
  • Exercise at least three times a week. You can play intense sports or even better something less stressful, depending on how you feel.
  • Take a walk in nature at least once a week.
Walk in nature

If you have already noticed that your emotional problems are related to digestive problems, then you should try to change some things in your life that will help you lessen them.

It is important that you meet these basic requirements when eating:

  • Eat alone or with a good friend.
  • Do not talk about unpleasant or very important topics.
  • Avoid eating at your workplace or places where you do not feel relaxed.
  • Do not force yourself to eat if you do not feel relaxed. It’s better to wait a bit.
  • Do not eat in a hurry, standing or while doing other activities.

Thanks to Alessandra, Marketing Deluxe and Relaxing Music for lending pictures.

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