Spinach, Carrots And Lemon To Remove Toxins

The cleansing properties of ingredients like lemons or spinach make this drink an ideal opportunity to detoxify the body while giving us extra nutrients.
Spinach, carrots and lemon to remove toxins

If you feel tired, discouraged, nervous or have physical discomfort, this is the ideal time to remove toxins from your body. At least twice a year, we should all spend a few days cleansing our body using food or medical supplements.

In this article we will show you a medicinal drink that eliminates toxins made from spinach, carrots and lemon. The result is a delicious green shake that helps with the cleansing functions of the liver, kidneys and intestines. Try it and you will be amazed at the results!

Why is it important to eliminate toxins?

Our body continuously collects toxic substances due to various factors:

  • Foods that we do not digest well.
  • Chemical ingredients such as pesticides, additives, etc.
  • Heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, lead, etc.
  • Tobacco and alcohol.
  • Environmental pollution.
  • Chemical products are found in hygiene products, cleaning products, etc.
  • Stress and negative emotions.

In order to maintain good health and a good quality of life, it is important to try to eliminate toxins using a good diet, medical supplements and natural techniques. But if we want a simple and economical option, we can make very effective cleansing drinks at home, like the one in this article.

Cleansing food

We will include three very healthy and depurative foods in this drink. Below we highlight their most important features:

  • Spinach: All the green leaves are excellent for detoxifying the body as they favor the liver functions due to their pigments. Spinach is also diuretic, alkalizing and laxative. It is also known for its high iron content, which is ideal for fighting anemia, as well as its antioxidant power, which helps prevent premature aging.
  • Carrots: Carrots, rich in beta-carotene, folic acid and minerals such as phosphorus and calcium, are a restorative and revitalizing food. They help us alkalize and improve our vision, skin, hair and nails.
  • Lemon: Lemons are one of the most cleansing fruits available. Their reputation as a cleansing ingredient confirms this. Lemon acts as a detoxifier in the liver, kidneys and intestines, which is why it is the most important ingredient in our drink.

Also Read: Lemon and Flaxseed: Does It Help With Weight Loss?


Cleansing drink

This drink is good for eliminating toxins thanks to the nutrients found in the three main ingredients. With these foods, we can improve the detoxification ability of our body’s organs and make our liver, kidneys and intestinal functions more efficient.

In addition, this drink also helps with nutritional deficiencies as it is rich in vitamins and minerals that our body can easily absorb. Thus, not only our health will be improved but also our physical appearance.


To make this toxin-eliminating beverage, we need the following ingredients:

  • 2 handfuls fresh spinach (50 g)
  • 2 carrots
  • The juice and peel from 1 lemon
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 spoonful of honey (25 g)

We recommend choosing organic ingredients, especially if the goal is to remove toxins. Otherwise, we risk preventing cleaning, as there may be pesticides that are harmful to our health.

What should you do?

To make this medicinal drink, we follow these steps:

  • First squeeze the lemon and keep the juice. If it is organic, we can also use its peel a little and add it to the drink.
  • Mix the lemon juice with the other ingredients: spinach, carrots, water and honey.
  • If we want to make a smoothie-like drink, we will get a creamy texture. The drink will be very rich in fiber and filling.
  • If we choose the juice, we get a lighter drink. Both options have detoxifying properties.

Also read: Liver cleansing diet

Green juice

How do we drink it?

  • The best time to drink a cleanser is usually in the morning on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before breakfast.
  • In the morning, our body is very receptive to nutrients and the effect is much stronger.
  • We can also drink it in the evening. But its diuretic properties can make us go to the toilet for the next few hours.
  • Drink this for at least a week. Ideally, do this for two weeks and repeat it every three months to eliminate toxins constantly.

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