Relieves Menstrual Pain With 5 Hot Drinks

A common thing like tea can help you against the problems that can accompany menstruation.
Relieve menstrual pain with 5 hot drinks

Pain during menstruation can be very bothersome, even disabling. In this article, we show you 5 hot drinks that can relieve menstrual cramps.

Menstruation usually occurs once a month. Unfortunately  , many women experience pain, cramps and general discomfort. However, you should know that there are methods to relieve menstrual pain, such as hot drinks.

Of course, we would first and foremost recommend a healthy diet to prevent and treat pain associated with menstruation. In addition, it is best to avoid consuming caffeine while menstruating, as it can cause anxiety and cause you to accumulate fluid.

In addition to avoiding coffee, you can use other types of drinks that are really good for women’s health. These types of teas will really benefit you.

Hot drinks that can relieve menstrual cramps

Although women often take painkillers when they need to relieve cramps during menstruation, one can reduce the pain in a natural way. Therefore, we bring you a list of the best drinks that can relieve your menstrual cramps.

1. Chamomile

Chamomile tea can often relieve menstrual cramps

The first of the hot drinks that can relieve menstrual cramps is chamomile. Keep in mind that it contains two compounds called hippurate  and  glycine.

These drugs can make your uterus relax when you have cramps, thanks to their properties. Furthermore, chamomile has a unique anti-inflammatory effect, which helps to reduce discomfort.

  • To make chamomile, use a cup of warm water.
  • Then let a bag of chamomile soak for 10 minutes.
  • Then remove the tea bag and add lemon juice or honey.

We recommend that you  drink two cups every day of that week. leading up to your menstruation. In fact, there are studies that confirm that chamomile contains terpenoids  and  flavonoids  with anti-inflammatory properties.

2. Ginger can relieve menstrual cramps

You can use ginger tea to relieve menstrual cramps

Next, ginger is another hot beverage that can have an incredible effect against menstrual cramps.

Like chamomile, it has  anti-inflammatory properties  so it can help with painful cramps as it plays an important role in keeping prostaglandins  down.

If you also experience nausea, stomach problems and general discomfort during menstruation, ginger can help alleviate those kinds of problems.

You can increase your ginger intake by  adding it to your soups or shakes. However, we believe that ginger is the most delicious way to consume the spice. It also has other benefits as it counteracts irregular menstruation and fights fatigue.

Did you know: Syrup with ginger and olive oil for pain relief

3. Kanelte

Cinnamon can relieve menstrual cramps

As the third remedy we have cinnamon. This tea is great because it has anti-inflammatory properties. We are sure it will help you against menstrual cramps.


  • 250 ml of water
  • 1 tablespoon crushed cinnamon (5 g)


  • Start by heating a cup of water and add a tablespoon of crushed cinnamon.
  • Let it soak for 2-3 minutes
  • If you want, you can put honey in the tea.

You  can drink it three times during the first day of your period.

4. Mint tea

Mint tea is another good option. In fact, consuming the drink can  soothe your stomach and counteract bloating.

Its calming and numbing effect makes it useful against menstrual cramps. In addition, it counteracts headaches and problems in the intestinal system.

Several studies have confirmed that  mint soothes the muscles in the uterus, thus relieving the spasms that cause cramps. As an added good, this drink is really delicious. We recommend that you drink it a week before your period.

You can drink four to five cups of this tea every day.

Do not forget to read: 5 natural remedies for heavy menstruation

5. Tea of ​​raspberry leaves against menstrual cramps

Finally, we would recommend using raspberry leaf tea to relieve menstrual cramps. Although it is a fairly uncommon type of tea, it is very tasty and has the ability to reduce the pain during your period.

Furthermore  , raspberry leaf tea has anti-inflammatory properties,  so it is good for fighting stomach pain and preventing constipation.

Finally, keep in mind that our list of hot drinks that can relieve menstrual cramps contain some remedies that can be very beneficial. But there are also many others.

We are sure you will find a hot beverage that works best for you and reduces your menstrual cramps.

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