How To Make Almond Milk And Lose Weight

Almond milk contains healthy fats, amino acids and fiber that can help promote healthy weight loss. In addition, it has many other wonderful health benefits.
How to make almond milk and lose weight

You can make almond milk yourself. Many people have started drinking it to lose weight. Although it is a very high calorie drink compared to other vegetable dairy products, it also contains a lot of healthy fiber, amino acids and healthy fats. Thus, it is a good choice for any diet.

In addition, it is almost milk gluten and lactose free and it contains almost no cholesterol. It also contains a good amount of calcium, so it is good for your bones.

What other benefits does it have? How can you make your own?

Because of the many Hollywood celebrities who drink it, you can now buy plain milk in any supermarket. However, it is always better to make almond milk even in the natural version. That way, you know you are getting all of its properties and avoiding chemical additives.

We take a look at the benefits of almond milk and how to make almond milk at home, in this article.

The benefits of making almond milk if you want to lose weight

woman, holding up in pants that are too big

Almond milk has become very popular all over the world as one of the best substitutes for cow’s milk. It is not only highly recommended for those with a lactose intolerance and for vegans, but also for those who want to lose weight and take care of their health.

From a nutritional point of view, the product stands out because of its omega-3 fatty acids, a form of healthy fat that protects the health of your heart. This nutrient lowers the  concentration of cholesterol in the arteries and helps in your metabolism.

It also contains a small amount of complex carbohydrates, a macronutrient that helps you achieve optimal energy levels. In addition, its slow uptake into the body keeps your metabolism active and prevents changes in blood glucose levels.

Due to its calcium and magnesium content, drinking it regularly will help strengthen your bones. Although milk does not contain as much of these nutrients as cow’s milk, it is enough to meet your daily needs. 

Another reason to drink almond milk to lose weight is its amino acids. As some may know, these nutrients are the key to losing weight and increasing muscle mass.  It will also improve your athletic performance and reduce the risk of injury.

How to make almond milk for weight loss?

almond milk in glass bottle

It does not take much time or too much effort to make almond milk. It is also much healthier than buying pre-packaged milk  in the store. This is because it does not contain preservatives or chemical additives.


  • 150 g almonds
  • 1.5 liters of water


  • First, soak the almonds in 500 ml of water.
  • Let them soak for approx. 8 hours or all night.
  • Then pour out the water and put the almonds in a blender.
  • Add the remaining water and blend for a few minutes.
  • When the mixture turns white and frothy, it must be sieved through a sieve.
  • Store the milk in a glass bottle with a lid.

Note: You can also add a little cinnamon and honey.

How to drink it

  • Drink a cup of almond milk for breakfast or when you need a quick snack.
  • If you prefer, you can get it on fruit and in vegetable smoothies.
  • Beware of drinking too much as it  can turn into a lot of calories.

How to use the rest of the almonds

Result of making almond milk gives almond flour

After sifting the almond milk, you end up with a fine flour that can be recycled. In fact, it would be great for another healthy recipe.  However, you need to save it in a certain way.


  • Preheat the oven to 180 ° C
  • Spread the flour on a tray while it heats up.
  • Put it in the oven and  let it bake for 15 minutes until it is evenly dried.
  • Use this flour as a substitute for refined flour when making cookies, bread or any kind of dessert.

Contraindications to making almond milk and drinking it

Almond milk can be beneficial for weight loss, but one should not overlook the possible negative side effects. If you suffer from a metabolic disorder, are pregnant or have specific diseases, you should talk to your doctor before drinking it.

  • Drinking too much almond milk can prevent the absorption of iodine.
  • It also contains substances that can irritate your thyroid gland and cause an inflammation.
  • It  is not recommended for babies.
  • Drinking it in large quantities can trigger migraines because it contains tyrosine.

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