Learn To Use Magnesium Chloride To Reduce Anxiety And Lose Weight

Magnesium chloride has many medicinal benefits, but it is best known for helping us lose weight and cleanse toxins from the body without endangering our health.
Learn to use magnesium chloride to reduce anxiety and lose weight

Magnesium chloride is salts that are soluble in water with a taste somewhere between salt and bitter. You can use magnesium chloride yourself.

It is a good idea to take magnesium chloride to restore the lost balance between sodium and potassium. In a normal diet, there is usually an abundance of the first, but too small a proportion of the second.

It also has some other major health benefits.

However, there are some other potential contraindications that you should learn more about to avoid any side effects.

What can you use magnesium chloride for?

Woman sitting in front of computer with headache

Magnesium chloride consists of chlorine and magnesium.

Keep in mind that out of the total amount of magnesium in our body, almost 60% is in the bones, with a further 26% in the muscles.

The rest of the magnesium present in our bodies is found in the soft tissues and our body fluids.

One of the most important functions of magnesium is that it gets rid of the calcium that accumulates in some parts of the body and in addition carries it to the bones where it is most needed.

Benefits of magnesium water for your body

  • Magnesium helps you strengthen your bones and joints by collecting accumulated calcium.
  • This is why magnesium is great for descaling the membrane of the joints.
  • It is also an effective remedy for calcified sclerosis.
  • In addition, it cleanses the blood and helps prevent strokes.
  • It restores the organs that perform vital functions in our bodies, especially the glands. For example , it activates the kidneys and helps them remove uric acid.
  • Magnesium reduces intellectual fatigue, minimizes muscle atrophy and corrects the mineral balance in your body.
  • The active ingredients in magnesium relieve fatigue and prevent prostate problems.
  • Another positive effect of this mineral is that it is an excellent natural sedative. It helps us maintain the energy balance in the neurons and acts on the nerve transfer.
  • After the age of 40, magnesium is a particularly important mineral. After this age, our bodies are less able to absorb nutrients from the food we eat. Lack of such important nutrients can lead to several diseases, in addition to worsening the visible signs of aging.
  • Since magnesium is mainly concentrated in the heart, liver, brain and kidneys, any magnesium deficiency can cause various ailments.

Magnesium fights several diseases

Women are anxious

Some examples of diseases that can be avoided thanks to magnesium chloride are:

  • According to some studies , daily consumption can prevent colorectal cancer.
  • It can also prevent you from developing prostate problems.
  • Magnesium prevents diabetes and improves the quality of life of those who suffer from it.
  • Regular intake of magnesium can prevent cardiovascular disease.
  • As we pointed out above, magnesium also prevents arthritis by stopping the buildup of uric acid in the joints.
  • It is a very effective active ingredient that can prevent a number of health problems, including digestive problems and intestinal disorders.

Other diseases that can be improved thanks to magnesium are:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Asthma
  • Arrhythmia
  • Fatigue
  • Hypertension
  • Stress

How to include magnesium chloride in your diet to lose weight

Woman performs on weight


  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon magnesium chloride (10 g)
  • The juice from ½ lemon
  • 1 teaspoon honey (7.5 g)
  • Ice cream (optional)

How to use magnesium chloride

  • Put a tablespoon of magnesium chloride in a glass of water and mix it until it dissolves.
  • Next, add lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of honey and, if you wish, some ice cubes.

When should I take it?

  • You should consume this home remedy 4 times a week over a period of two months.
  • Since it is a dietary supplement, it must be used with caution to achieve the benefits of magnesium without harming your health.
  • To avoid any potential side effects of magnesium , it is a good idea to take this remedy after breakfast.

Some warnings about using magnesium chloride

  • The first and most important thing is to make sure that you do not confuse magnesium chloride with sodium chloride (most commonly known as salt).
  • An excess of magnesium chloride in the diet can cause complications as it has a laxative effect that can interrupt the absorption of nutrients.

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