The 6 Types Of Disabilities And Their Characteristics

All kinds of disabilities involve limitations that can be reduced if the right aids are present. Limitations are an obstacle, but that does not mean that they cannot be overcome.
The 6 types of disabilities and their characteristics

Just as humans have different abilities, there are also different types of disabilities. All have in common that they imply a restriction on participation in some area or action in the human area.

In addition, all forms of disability are the result of impairment or dysfunction in some organs. It becomes an obstacle when it comes to doing activities on an equal footing with those who do not have these limitations.

However, the fact that an individual has a disability does not mean that they need to suppress certain areas of life. In all disabilities, it is possible to do activities and participate in society as long as the right aids are present.

The 6 types of disabilities

Child with paper has one of the common types of disability

There are different types of disabilities, all depending on the type of restriction it entails. In other words, we classify disability according to which area of ​​life is affected. From this point of view, we see the following modalities.

1. Physical or motor disability

A physical or motor disability is one in which there is complete or partial reduced mobility in one or more parts of the body. This results in difficulties or hindrance when it comes to performing activities that require motor skills.

This condition can be permanent or transient, and there are several forms of motor disabilities. For example, we can mention the following:

  • Monoplegi. Where there is paralysis in a single limb.
  • Paraplegia. The person loses the ability to walk.
  • Tetraplegi. This affects the mobility of the upper and lower extremities.
  • Home care. Affects mobility in one side of the body.
  • Spina bifida. Prevents the person’s general movement.
  • Muscular dystrophy. The muscles are weak and the tissue has been destroyed over time, making it difficult to move.
  • Cerebral palsy. This is related to severe motor deficiencies, which involve stiffness, slowness, agitation, paralysis, etc.
  • Amputation. Losing a body part limits a person’s activity.

2. Sensory disability

Sensory disability refers to the weakening of one or more senses. Overall, it is a decrease in the ability to collect information from its surroundings. In this category, there are two types of disabilities that stand out:

  • Visual impairment. Denotes the loss of or impaired vision. It is through sight that we get 80% of the information from our surroundings. Therefore, this limitation can cause serious changes in a person’s life.
  • Impaired hearing. In this case, we are talking about a loss of or impaired function of the auditory system, leading to difficulties in accessing speech and language. This then leads to problems with communication and sometimes learning.

3. Intellectual disability

Another type of disability is intellectual disability. This happens when a person has cognitive difficulties or limitations. This includes information processing, perception, memory, attention, problem solving, etc.

It is very common for people with this type of disability to also have difficulty living and working in the community. In addition, there are different levels of difficulty; the limitations can be mild, moderate or severe.

4. Psychosocial disability

A psychosocial disability occurs when there are difficulties in thinking, feeling or relating to others. These deficiencies must be intense and constant in order to be considered a disability.

Unfortunately, this is one of the handicaps that carries the greatest stigma in society. There is not enough knowledge about this area and therefore there are very unfounded fears surrounding these limitations. And it hinders the progress of the people who have this type of disability.

5. Visceral disability

This is one of the types of disabilities that we are generally least aware of, although it is also one of the most common. A visceral disability refers to cases where a person has defects in the function of an internal organ.

For example, visceral disabilities include some common diseases such as diabetes and heart failure. These disabilities limit the lives of those who suffer from it and hinder participation in society.

6. Several types of disability

Multiple disabilities refers to cases where two or more disabilities are present simultaneously. For example, when a person has motor and intellectual disabilities at the same time.

In these cases, there may be different degrees of difficulty between one and the other disability. It is not just the sum of limitations, but more the interaction between them that makes each case something very specific.

The different types of disabilities are a challenge

Overall, each of the different types of disabilities is an individual challenge for the person suffering from them, but it is also a challenge for society. However, a restriction does not have to mean exclusion, nor does it mean that a person cannot participate in society and live a perfect and good life.

No matter what the disability, there is always something we can do to reduce the impact of these restrictions. However, it requires cooperation between the disabled, the environment, the health system and, above all, society in general.

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