10 Funny Facts About The Body

Why can one not move the ring finger without moving some of the other fingers? This finger shares a muscle with the middle finger, which limits the individual movement possibilities of the finger.
10 fun facts about the body

The human body is amazing! We are individuals filled with good and bad qualities and our bodies are capable of doing amazing things. Here are ten facts about the body about the body that will probably surprise you!

Facts about the body

1. Are you missing a tendon?

This may surprise some, but 15% of people lack a tendon in the flexor carpi radialis, which is the muscle that sits on the forearm and goes from the elbow up to the thumb. If you are curious to know if you are one of the 15%, just do the following: Hold your thumb and little finger against each other and bend your wrist backwards. At 85% you can see two tendons, but sometimes you can only see one. How many can you see?

2. Vasovagal syncope

This is another strange, yet problematic thing for some people. They faint when they pee. This happens because urination stimulates the vagus nerve and sometimes causes a sudden drop in blood pressure. It sounds a little funny at first, but it certainly is not for those who suffer from it.

Genitals and kidneys

Kidney in a woman

These two bodies more very closely related. For example, let’s use the man as an example. When a man gets a hard blow to the testicles, it hurts in his kidneys. This is the result of the two organs developing together until they both reach their final stage.

4. Try moving the ring finger

It’s time for a little test: Lay your hand down on a flat surface, e.g. a table, and try to lift one finger at a time. You should be able to lift them all one by one, in addition to the ring finger. There will be some people who can do it, but the movements of the ring finger are usually limited. The index and little fingers each have their own muscle, while the ring finger and the middle finger share a muscle. Therefore, it is impossible to stretch one finger while bending the other.

5. One kidney sits higher than the other

Here’s another funny fact: The left kidney sits a little higher up than the right in the human body. This is due to the pressure that the liver puts on the right kidney. Did you know?

6. Blood sugar

Blood cells

If the amount of sugar in the blood is the same as a spoonful of sugar dissolved in blood, one would be able to live two days without eating and without having any particular problems. Then the  body will begin a process called ketosis in which the liver breaks down glycogen to compensate for the lack of sugar in the blood. This is very dangerous for the body and therefore not something one should try at home. For the same reason, diets with a high protein content and without sugar are not recommended.

7. Did you know that you have fewer bones than a baby?

It is true! We are actually born with about  300 bones  in the body. As we grow, some of these bones will fuse and develop together as one bone until one finally has the 206 bones found in an adult human body.

Are you ready for the latest facts about the body?

8. Try to breathe and swallow at the same time. Can you do that?

Woman who is by the water and breathing deeply

Have you ever tried breathing and swallowing at the same time? It is completely impossible. This is a strange result of human development, where the upper part of the oral cavity was developed to go further back to cover the pharynx and better enable speech. This setup means that there is a greater risk of suffocation, and therefore the epiglottis is there to prevent food from entering the airways. This whole setup together makes it impossible to swallow and breathe at the same time. 

9. How many antibodies are produced daily?

Three grams. Antibodies are very important for health and are also important to protect the body from all the small, harmful microorganisms.

10. How many atoms does the human body consist of?

Have you ever asked yourself how many atoms the human body is made up of? It may not be the question that keeps you awake at night, but you may have considered it once in a while. The number of atoms of course depends on the size of a human being, so here is a quick example: If a person weighs 70 kg, to find out how many atoms there are in the person’s body, write the number 7 followed of 27 zeros ! Is it hard to imagine? That’s a huge number, but it’s true!

Now that you’ve learned a little about 10 fun facts about the body, how many did you not know beforehand? Do you know any other funny facts about the body that are not described here?

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