Do You Have To Fight The Urge To Go To The Toilet?

Did you know that it is extremely harmful to fight the urge to go to the toilet? Learn why in this article!
Do you have to fight the urge to go to the toilet?

When talking about digestion, there are two processes that we do not always like to talk about: farting and bowel movements. In addition, there are some people who try to combat the urge to go to the toilet when they are out of the house. This may be due to embarrassment or because they do not have a toilet available.

The truth is that there are times when it is impossible to find a toilet and you have to control your urge. The mistake that many people make, however, is to make this a daily habit.

Most of the time it is not practical to go to the toilet. Thus, many ignore the urge to go to the toilet as if it were something harmless. On the contrary, suppressing this urge to care can lead to serious consequences for your health.

Why is it a bad idea to combat the urge to go to the toilet?

Digestion is the way your body absorbs nutrients. However, this process leaves some waste that needs to be disposed of. Your body does this with feces. When it sends the signal to go to the toilet, the worst thing you can do is ignore it because your body needs to get rid of the waste.

It is extremely important to remove all residue. In addition to making you feel uncomfortable and heavy, retained stools affect bowel functions. When your gut is blocked, it changes the absorption of nutrients. As a result of this change, food is poorly digested. This problem causes indigestion, gas, bloating, abdominal pain and even vomiting.

You should only combat the urge to go to the toilet in extreme emergencies.

If you have eaten something that is very heavy and you feel the urge to worry, it is important that you do not ignore this urge. Your body tells you that it needs to get rid of this waste in order to digest the nutrients that you have just eaten.

The consequences of combating the urge to go to the toilet

As we told you before, if you often ignore the urge to go to the toilet, the way the intestines work will start to change. As a result, your body will not absorb nutrients properly.

You might think that failing to go to the bathroom when you feel the urge to do so is harmless, but it could not be more wrong. In addition to causing major problems for your intestinal and digestive process in general, failing to empty your bowel when you feel the urge can have a negative impact on your entire body.

Remember: You get rid of thousands of toxins through fecal matter. In case of delay, these will start poisoning your body. This is just one example of a negative effect of this bad habit on your health. In fact, we want to show you the five most common consequences of this:

1. Pain may occur if you try to combat the urge to go to the toilet

It can be very painful to suppress the urge to go to the toilet

By suppressing the urge to provide for a long time, you cause stools to accumulate and create a kind of “plug”.

When you try to get rid of the waste, it turns into torture. This is because the waste is very hard. Therefore, getting rid of it can be very painful.

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2. Water absorption

Since your body needs to get rid of this waste and can not, it tries to collect its nutrients. If you have not eaten anything, your body will reuse the water in your stool to feed itself. This means that it feeds on water filled with bacteria, waste and toxins.

Bad smell

If you go and hold on to the farts, they will smell extra bad

The same thing happens with gas. By holding the farts inside you create an odor bomb. In other words, feces and farts will smell much worse than usual.

By suppressing the urge, you also increase the development of gas in the stomach. These can make you feel much heavier and bloated.

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4. Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins found in your anus. Their inflammation causes pain, discomfort and in severe cases heavy bleeding.

When you do not get rid of your feces, your entire anal cavity dries out. Therefore, your stools become harder and harder to get rid of. As a result, it can inflame hemorrhoids. In other words, one consequence of holding on to the stool may be that when you finally try to go to the toilet it will be very painful and you may even start to see blood.

5. Constipation

Holding on to the stool can lead to constipation

If you consistently keep your stool inside for a long time, this system will start to collapse. This will cause you to lack control over your bowel movements or make your stools hard and very difficult to get rid of.

The conclusion is that you must not fight the urge to go to the toilet. Wherever you are, if you need to go to the bathroom, go. Do not be embarrassed about it: it is something completely normal that happens to everyone.

Think first and foremost about your health, and take care of yourself.

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