Trust The Process Of Life And Take Control

You have come to the perfect time to make your own decisions, and be the one you really want to be.
Trust the process of life and take control

You have no reason to be content with what life gives you. Why not play an active role and take responsibility for the future. Trust the process of life, and get more out of it.

While it may seem hard to believe,  you’re right where you need to be. You have come to the perfect time to make your own decisions, and be the one you really want to be.

People have a bad habit that is hard to break. We are hopelessly nostalgic, and obsessed with thoughts like:  “I should do yours”, “I have to do that”, “people expect me…”

Little by little, we divide our minds into two sizes:  one is focused on the past and the other is obsessed with the future. All of this can trap us in an eternal vicious circle of anxiety and depression. In that circle, we are so focused on “should” and “must” that we pave the way for anxiety.

Let us learn to take power away from the past and the future. Let us learn to live completely in the now, and trust in the process of life.

In this article we will explain how to do it.

The best age is the one you have right now

To accept what is happening to you, you need to be receptive. You must value who you are, what you have achieved, and all that you have to gain. But none of this is possible unless you are first able to  accept yourself, and love yourself.

One of the biggest obstacles to self-acceptance is if one does not feel good about one’s age. Some people let this malaise penetrate into other situations and it can create problems. Here we are not just talking about feeling the need for cosmetic surgery. It is also about  excessive fear of getting wrinkles, that the body changes, etc.

We certainly all have the right to take care of ourselves, and do everything we can to look good physically. But  what you need to do first is make them look good on the inside. The best age is always the one you have right now. Accept what you have been through and remember that you still have the best opportunities in the process of life.

Learn to Float: It’s the process of life

Flow with the process of life

The idea of ​​”floating”, as defined by the psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi in 1975, is not always understood correctly. It’s not about flowing with the flow and seeing life as a dynamic entity that never stops, with us as teammates. It’s deeper and more interesting than that.

Floating is about:

  • To have  clear and important goals.
  • To be able to take on an action or responsibility, and enjoy it.
  • To be able to  learn from our mistakes, and become true experts.

Habits are dangerous, so it is important to make small changes and new things every day so that the process of flowing remains enriching.

The past is the past, the important thing is who you are now

The past does not define you. What defines you is how you interpret the past.

Let us give an example. If now your boyfriend left you three years ago and last year your new boyfriend was cheating on you too. The last thing you need to say to yourself is, “I do not deserve to be loved.” A mature, courageous person who knows how to interpret the past correctly says, “I need to get better at choosing my partner.”

It’s important that your past becomes a springboard,  a way to learn how to get better. The past is not a sofa you have to sit on and cry over everything you have been exposed to.

Also read: What to do when your passion for life dies

rely on the process of life

Learn trust

Positive psychology was advanced in 1990 by psychologist Martin Seligman. He believed it was time to focus on the study of people based on well-being and how to give people tools to become happy.

Part of this was understanding and describing trauma, depression, and sadness. It was the perfect time for people to learn  certain steps that encourage personal development. One of the strategies is to learn how to trust yourself and that good things can happen at any time.

It’s not about “hoping”, being passive and letting the days go by until happiness comes and knocks on your door. You have to be an active person who sets in motion your own change processes.

Stay away from people who give you problems. Stop the habits that take courage from you. make the changes your life needs.

Also read: 5 healthy everyday habits that will improve your life

You yourself have the opportunity to improve your life

Overall, you need to recognize that  even if you are going through a difficult period, it is possible to climb up the hole. Today is the best time to do it. Right now is  a wonderful time to start thinking more courageously  and positively. It will lead to the creation of a whole new feeling.

This feeling can help you get a new attitude to the amazing phenomenon we call the process of life.

Try it! The results may surprise you.

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