7 Recommendations For Naturally Fighting Red Eyes

If you have eye inflammation, improve your hygiene habits. Also, be sure to avoid sharing towels and similar things to prevent infecting others and your other eye.
7 recommendations for naturally fighting red eyes

If you have terrible itching in the eye along with swelling, redness and exhaustion, you may have eye inflammation. It is a mild condition that should be treated appropriately to prevent any eye complications. Here you get 7 recommendations for naturally fighting red eyes.

In this article, we will look at the best tips and natural solutions to fight eye inflammation simply and effectively.

What is eye inflammation?

Eye inflammation (conjunctivitis) is inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the membrane that covers the inside of the eyelid and the front of the eye.

It tends to appear due to irritations, bacteria or allergies.

Eye inflammation causes very bothersome symptoms, such as:

  • Pain and itching
  • Hypersensitivity to light
  • Swelling and redness
  • Blurry vision
  • The eyes run in water

Recommendations for naturally fighting red eyes

1. Hydrotherapy

Woman with eye inflammation

Water at different temperatures is a simple, natural and inexpensive way to treat diseases.

In case of eye inflammation, applying a cold water compress to the affected eye can speed healing and bring great relief.

You can use it many times throughout the day, especially if your eyes are very sensitive to other topical treatments.

2. Horseradish and Purple Sun Hat Tea

Horseradish and purple sun hat tea

Give your natural treatment a boost using this tea with two medicines:

  • Horseradish: This drug has anti-inflammatory and healing properties thanks to its high mineral content, especially silicon.
  • Purple sun hat: One of the best means to strengthen the immune system so that your defenses can fight no matter what virus or bacterium gets in its way.

You can also take it as a preventative measure or as a treatment, but only in a short time.

  • These plants should not be boiled.
  • Instead, take them off the burner after boiling the water and leave them for 20 minutes.
  • Drink them throughout the day until you notice improvement.

Chamomile cover

Chamomile oil

One of our 7 recommendations for naturally fighting red eyes is medicinal plants you can use as medicines, for external use, which can help an affected eye. In this way, you combine different healing methods to overcome eye inflammation as quickly as possible.

Chamomile is an excellent plant for use in eye problems as it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that reduce symptoms and shorten the healing process.

  • Prepare chamomile tea and put it on the eyes by dipping a towel or washcloth in tea.

This way, the tea can work on the eyelids and be slowly absorbed by the eyes.

  • Use this wrap 2-3 times during the day.

4. Hygiene

Female eyes

Proper hygiene is essential for treating eye inflammation, but it is also important to avoid spreading it.

We recommend these simple tips:

  • Avoid rubbing your eyes too often
  • Use a single towel that is only for your affected eye.
  • Do not touch your eyes with dirty hands
  • Take precautions if you wear contact lenses.
  • Avoid using cosmetics during treatment. If you often get eye inflammation, avoid using these products or look for natural or hyperallergenic products instead.

5. Alkaline diet.

Alkaline diet - natural to combat red eyes

When a part of the body is inflamed, it is always a result of excess acidity. Therefore, if you want to fight eye inflammation, you should eat alkaline foods that regulate pH levels from within.

Some of the most alkaline foods are:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits such as avocado, grape, lemon, banana and watermelon.
  • Garlic
  • Dried fruits and seeds
  • seaweed
  • Cayenne pepper

6. Natural eye drops

Woman taking eye drops - natural to fight red eyes

To enhance your treatment, you can use natural eye drops made from medicinal plants such as eyebright.

There are also homeopathic eye drops that do not pose secondary risks to your health. They can be adapted to the specific symptoms of your condition.

7. Natural supplements

Fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C - natural to fight red eyes

Some natural supplements are very effective in preventing and treating eye diseases. In this case, we recommend the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A: Present in foods rich in carotenes and beta-carotene.
  • B vitamins: Very beneficial for eye health.
  • Vitamin E:  Prevents damage to your vision caused by free radicals.
  • Vitamin C:  Strengthens the immune system and helps to better absorb vitamins A and E.

If you have any of these symptoms as described in this article, you should try our 7 recommendations for naturally fighting red eyes.

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