How Much Exercise Should You Exercise Each Week

How many times have you asked yourself, do I exaggerate my (or understate) training? The truth is, it all depends on what you are trying to achieve. Find out today how much exercise you really need.
How much exercise should you exercise each week

Physical exercise is a great way to lead a healthy and long-lasting life, while at the same time benefiting from getting the figure you have always dreamed of. But how much weekly exercise do you really need?

The answer depends on the type of exercise you do, the intensity and speed and your progress towards heavier and harder training.

Therefore, it is important to know everything about your recommended workout routine. Remember that if you exercise too much, it can have harmful consequences for your body.

What are the consequences of too much exercise?

Man running
  • Breaking of muscle fibers
  • General weakness and fatigue
  • Severe muscle pain
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Decreased libido

How much weekly exercise do you really need?

Most begin with an exercise routine tailored to their body and physical endurance. However, it must be a completely personal activity.

Not everyone is in the same condition. In addition, the various physical reactions can cause a number of consequences if you exceed your endurance limits every day or even just once a week.

To find out how much exercise you should have per week, consider what the purpose is. After all, training for weight loss is not the same as it is for physical therapy.

Reduce age-related health risks

Older exercise

It has been shown that two hours of gentle exercise a day can significantly reduce the risk of a heart attack after 50 years.

  • By walking a few times a week, you fall within the normal range of a healthy person.
  • Ideally, you can perform moderate sessions during the week and achieve 10 hours of total training.

If you want to burn calories

If you want to burn calories through exercise, adapt your sessions to short, high-intensity intervals. You should maximize these during your workout.

  • If you have a fitness membership, talk to a personal trainer who can introduce you to a routine tailored to your physical condition and body type.
  • To burn calories, it is ideal to get three 20 minute sessions a week. Then gradually increase the time of your training hours as you become stronger.

If you want to tone your muscles

Man with beard lifting a weight

Strengthening and toning your muscle groups exercising too much is never a good idea. Your muscles should rest after each session.

  • Weight training also helps maintain your overall health. Believe it or not, doing exercises with weights and strength training reduces the risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Sessions of about 120 minutes are recommended. Do these for three days a week to allow time for your muscles to rest.

If you want to increase physical endurance

Does that sound like you? Then there is no better idea than to start running or exercising. If you want to reach this long distance figure, you need to prepare your body and this is best achieved by training.

First, though, you need to consider your physical abilities and keep your body healthy over time.

Start by creating routines that vary in length over the course of the week. Do this without exhausting your energy potential, which will only make you get tired too quickly.

One hour a day, with a full day of rest, is enough to reach your goals and reach the mileage you choose. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal is long-term endurance.

In addition to having the body and health you have always wanted, the hormones enhanced by your daily exercise routine will increase your happiness levels at any age.

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