Dietary Guidelines If You Have A Sedentary Job

People with sedentary jobs have a higher risk of developing certain health problems. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to your diet. Learn everything you need to know in this article!
Dietary guidelines if you have a sedentary job

You should find some dietary guidelines if you have a sedentary job. The reason? A sedentary lifestyle is a factor in disease outbreaks. In some jobs, however, this is unavoidable as the person has to stay seated most of the time.

The quality of the diet is important here, as eating healthy and varied food can alleviate the negative effects of physical inactivity to some degree. It also contributes to balanced body weight and prevention of health problems.

Here are some strategies.

Dietary Guidelines for People with Sedentary Jobs: Four Important Tips

Proper nutrition can help counteract some of the effects of sedentary work. In any case, it is best to incorporate physical activity into your routine whenever possible.

1. Eat small portions

Eating small portions helps prolong life. Scientific research supports this statement, especially in the case of persons over 40 years of age. As the years go by, the number of nutrients that everyone needs decreases significantly.

On the other hand , doctors suggest that one maintains the energy balance and does not consume more calories than those being used for not gaining weight. In this sense, it is a good idea to reduce the amount of food eaten throughout the day. This also reduces the risk of disease and premature aging.

To perform this task successfully, you can resort to intermittent fasting. Current studies show its hormonal benefits beyond simple weight control. Start by not eating breakfast every day, and later include a 24-hour fast every week.

Keep in mind, however, that it is best to go to a doctor or nutritionist before making such a big change to do so correctly and without risks.

A plate of cutlery placed like hands on a clock

2. Intake more fiber and probiotics

Another problem for people with sedentary jobs is that they have poor bowel transit. To correct this problem, the best solution is a regular intake of fiber and probiotics. The former is found in fruits and vegetables. In the case of probiotics, the preferred option is to consume yogurt regularly.

Experts say that regular intake of fiber improves constipation processes and helps prevent outbreaks of gastrointestinal diseases. It can even modulate appetite and carbohydrate intake, which also reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.

3. Prioritize fresh unprocessed foods

Processed products often contain sugar and trans fat. These nutrients are not recommended along with additives. For this reason, it is beneficial to reduce their intake in the medium and long term.

In addition, these foods have a high energy value. Regular intake of them increases the risk of obesity and overweight. As if that were not enough, they contain substances that can become toxic over time, such as acrylamide.

All of these reasons lead us to discourage this type of food and replace them with fresh products that contain copious doses of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

4. Remove alcohol

A glass of wine a day does not improve the health of the cardiovascular system. Consumption of alcohol is always negative for the body. Doctors say you should avoid drinking alcohol.

This recommendation becomes a rule for sedentary people as it will mean an extra intake of calories that will result in an unwanted increase in body weight. The amount of lean mass will also change due to its catabolic effects. In addition, it will lead to accumulation of liver fat and malfunction in the body.

A man who drinks alcohol

Dietary guidelines for sedentary jobs: What to keep in mind

For people with a sedentary job, food plays an even more important role for health. For this reason, you need to be careful with your food decisions.

Therefore, you should try to consume products that offer a good handful of quality nutrients , rather than falling for processed foods high in sugar and additives that can be harmful.

The intermittent fasting strategy is also an effective method of reducing calories in the diet. The simplest way to do this is usually by cutting off a meal, though other methods work just as well. If you also combine this with some carbohydrate restriction, the benefits of fat loss are even greater.

So what are you waiting for to bring these tips to life for better health?

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