The Kaizen Method: A System For Achieving Results

The Kaizen method is one of the best techniques to bring about a change in your life and not fail in doing so. In this article we will tell you all about it.
The Kaizen method: A system for achieving results

The Kaizen method is a strategy that became popular in business after World War II. In fact, it was so successful that even today, many business schools teach it because it significantly increases the level of productivity.

In addition, it is transferred to working life and many people apply it in other areas of their lives. Thanks to the kaizen method, these people continue to achieve their goals in a more effective way.

Why do we struggle to change things?

Part of the life experience of being human is how we make changes. There are several factors that can cause these changes. For example, we might acquire new habits, remove others, plan new projects, or close an old chapter.

Despite this , people are really struggling to change. It is because our brains are designed in such a way that any challenge can trigger some resistance and fear.

It is true that some people turn this fear into enthusiasm and grow and get excited when faced with challenges, but it is not a common trait. In fact, it is common for our minds to sabotage changes in the form of laziness, procrastination, and multiple excuses.

Blue arrow makes u-turn

What does the Kaizen method consist of?

The Kaizen method can help us achieve successful change. It bases its strategy on completing very small steps at a time. You can use it to achieve a certain goal, as well as use it to continually improve yourself in some way.

The main motto is “a journey of a million kilometers starts with a small step”. And that is the key to success. The goals this system uses are so small that it is actually hard to fail.

So what the Kaizen method does is get you started and you are not even aware of the effort you are making. In this way, it is much easier to overcome the mental resistance that changes can cause.

What can you use the Kaizen method for?

You can use the Kaizen method for several scenarios. In fact, any situation you can improve will benefit from this strategy. Let’s look at some examples where you might be able to use this method:

  • Cleaning up your home : Instead of concentrating on the entire living space and then starting to get bored, a good option would be to focus on just one drawer and organize it in five minutes.
  • Stop eating ultra-processed foods : This task can be very complicated because you have become so accustomed to doing it.
  • Improving Your Sleep Habits : When it comes to improving your sleep habits, try going to bed a minute earlier than you normally do.
  • Read more : If you are struggling to incorporate this habit into your life, it may be beneficial to read just one chapter a day.
  • Training : To create this routine, it is a good idea to dress in training clothes and then train for just a minute.

It is much easier to make changes this way. For you will hardly feel the pressure or the fear of failure. Since the demand is so reduced and almost seems ridiculous, you are actually more likely to relax. It makes it a lot easier to keep going!

A woman at a crossroads

Overcoming your resistance to change

Applying the Kaizen method will help you overcome your fear of failure. The first goal is to remove all resistance. To do this, take small steps that make it much easier to complete the big task. It is as if the mind understands that there is no point in activating the alarm. This means that we can act more calmly.

When we propose to make a change, we often focus on the ultimate goal and not on the steps we need to take to get there. That’s one of the reasons we’re failing so much. If you divide the challenge into several parts and concentrate on achieving something very specific, you are actually making the next step easier for yourself.

Making small changes is one of the best strategies you can use to be less lazy. This then helps you get closer to your goals in a more realistic and effective way. So the next time you want to reach a goal and you do not know where to start, remember that the Kaizen method can be a great help!

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