Does Your Partner Love Or Take Advantage Of You?

When you start to wonder if your partner actually loves you or just exploits you, all your alarms should go off because something has not been as it should be
Does your partner love or exploit you?

Does your partner love or exploit you? Sometimes what we think about love can make it difficult to understand what exactly it is, causing some relationships to become toxic.

Some believe that love depends on someone else not being happy and exploits their partner in certain ways. For example, he or she will use manipulation to keep their partner by their side.

The line that separates love from exploiting the other to get love (or something else) can be very thin at times. You need to be aware of what is going on.

Does your partner take advantage of you or do they love you?

Couples who scold

As we mentioned earlier, your partner can use you to have love. By being manipulative, he or she can make you meet the needs that they think everyone should be able to meet.

This usually happens when there is a strong emotional dependence. Your partner may be addicted, which means his or her happiness depends on you. As a result, in order to make your partner happy, you need to do all the things they see as necessary.

For example, if your partner thinks that you should always do everything when you ask for a little bit of independence, a trigger will go off.

Scold, bring up past problems rather than throw them in your face, cry excessively or overdramatize the situation and use “You do not love me anymore!” Can all be a possible reality.

A childhood full of painful experiences, bad role models, previously established, erroneous beliefs about love and being afraid of being alone can be some of the reasons for this kind of behavior.

What can you do in such a situation? There is no doubt about it: If you have asked yourself if your partner is exploiting you and the answer seems to be yes, ask for help.

A professional can help your partner go back to the circumstances that taught them this harmful way of loving. Together you can then grow with this experience and march forward in a much healthier relationship.

My partner does not love me. My partner is taking advantage of me

Man scolds woman

If the answer to the question of whether your partner loves you or exploits you does not match the previous point, you may need to look in the seams to see if there are other reasons behind it.

There are people who do not know how to love or sometimes they do it in a harmful way without being aware of it. These people use others as if they were objects.

A person who abuses their partner can e.g. Feel superior, authoritative in addition to needing power and enjoying the feeling of a person in submission. It is a harmful behavior that suppresses the other person’s self-esteem and integrity.

In case of abuse, whether it is physical or psychological, the relationship is without love. It should be clear. The person who abuses the other does not know how to love, whereby he or she may confuse it with actions that have nothing to do with love.

Under these circumstances, try to get out of the relationship and ask for help. It can be scary sometimes, and it’s normal. However, there is a lot of support to be found out there.

Loveless relationships – does your partner take advantage of you?

Couple with wall between them - take advantage of your partner

When you ask yourself if your partner loves you or exploits you, there should already be a red flag. If everything was fine, this question would not roam your thoughts.

What kind of relationship do you have and why ? Does your partner take advantage of you? Are you with someone who needs you today but not tomorrow? Are you with someone who tells you “I love you” but beats you the next day?

Many times we can become obsessed with the thought of “does he love or does he take advantage of me?” But we must also ask ourselves, what are we doing here?

Remaining in a situation that raises doubts is our responsibility. Let us not forget that we always have the power to decide whether or not we want to continue the relationship.

If you are not feeling well in a relationship, the question of whether or not your partner is exploiting you is meaningless. Your gut feeling is usually correct. Make it a priority.

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