5 Steps To Identify And Overcome Low Self-esteem

It is important to realize that our self-esteem depends on ourselves, not on what changes thinking. Learn to value and love yourself. 
5 steps to identify and overcome low self-esteem

When we were little, no one taught us how to create a healthy emotional well-being. Here you get 5 steps to identify and overcome low self-esteem!

If we were lucky enough to have a supportive family environment filled with kindness, it is possible that we have a fairly healthy self-esteem.

As we grow up, this fragile and vulnerable side can go through many ups and downs because of the experiences we go through.

We have been taught that in order to be special and successful, we must be rounded, physically perfect, brave and triumphant.

But people succeed in developing a substitute for self-esteem, where self- validation depends on how others treat us.

If someone rejects me, I am no longer worthy of love. If I get fired from my job, I was not good at it. If my friends leave me, it’s because I do not deserve anyone’s trust.

That is not correct. We should never lead ourselves into such negative emotional states.

Today we give you the 5 most common indicators of low self-esteem but also how to overcome low self-esteem.

How to overcome low self-esteem with 5 steps

Self-esteem does not mean believing that you are the best in the world, but it does not mean that you see yourself as the worst. The first is an example of a kind of blind pride, and the second is a clear example of low self-esteem.

We should learn from the beginning to believe in ourselves and our abilities.

The problem starts when we focus on validation from others over whether we are capable of doing something or whether we are worthy or not worthy of being loved.

This is a terrible source of suffering that we must do our best to avoid. Now we want to look at some clues that tell us whether our self-esteem is healthy or not.

Hands with chains around the wrists

1. I’m afraid to make mistakes

Since childhood, we have sought the support of our parents and teachers in our endeavors. If I make a mistake, an adult can at least help me.

Now that we are adults, we still have fears of mistakes and mistakes. We do not think we have the abilities to do certain things.

How to face this fear

Above all, low self-esteem reflects an unusual concern. The first thing we need to overcome is the fear of failure.

Mistakes are not a bad thing. They help us learn to do things better. We should not label ourselves as clumsy because we have made a mistake – there is nothing worse than judging yourself.

2. irritability

Bad mood, apathy and irritation are often a reflection of low self-esteem and even depression.

  • These are moments when we feel we have lost control of everything around us. We no longer have hope and it is a dangerous state to be in.

How to face this situation

  • Set priorities where the first goal is to take care of yourself. Change routines and friendships, and start on new tasks and hobbies.
  • Fighting the negative voice inside your head will wake you up to new dreams.
Woman with a cloud like hair

The desire to please

We have talked several times on this site about the risk of the need to be wanted and please everyone around us.

  • This may indicate low self-esteem.
  • While there is nothing wrong with getting external praise from time to time, the problem is when we need this constant approval to “feel good about ourselves”.

How to overcome the need to please

Try to do things on your own without having to explain yourself to anyone. Enjoy your lonely moments and above all be confident. Say no when someone asks you to do something you do not feel like doing.

We must deal with this excessive dependence on others.

4. Takes “the world on its shoulders” and blames itself

There are times when we feel that what is happening around us is our fault. If your child is doing badly in school, you may not be helping them enough.

  • When our parents get sick, we tell ourselves we should have given them more attention.
  • When someone criticizes or rejects us, we blame ourselves.

How to manage self-blame

We must understand that we do not have to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. We are not responsible for everything or to ensure that everything around us works.

Place the burden and try to let your mind and body rest. Just appreciate things. Find moments for yourself and stop analyzing yourself.

Girl with little man on her hand

5. Lack of hope

It does not matter if you are 8 or 80 years old; people always need some kind of project or an ambition. We need countless hopes and dreams to bring color to our lives.

If you find that you wake up every day without hope or a sense of purpose and tend to let yourself be led by what others want, your self-esteem needs help. Take care of it.

How to face the lack of hope

Many times hope is lost because we fall into endless routines, we lack external stimulation, and we just do not feel good inside.

Find new passions. Move in one direction or another, change the scenario, and above all find new people in your life. New friendships are sometimes the best medicine for the heart.

You can overcome low self-esteem!

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