Treatment Of Cellulite With Apple Cider Vinegar

To avoid side effects, it is important to first dilute apple cider vinegar with other ingredients such as creams or essential oils.
Treatment of cellulite with apple cider vinegar

Who has not suffered from cellulite? If you are a woman, then you have probably experienced it on more than one occasion. They are ugly little knots that make it uncomfortable to put on a bathing suit or a pair of tight jeans.

Maybe cellulite is not a problem for you or maybe it already affects a lot of your body’s appearance so you are not sure how to remedy it. First, we must be objective:  Cellulite does not just disappear overnight.  Sometimes the only way to remove it from the body is with surgery. But you can noticeably reduce its appearance with proper diet and exercise.

Today, we want to show you how you can use apple cider vinegar to treat cellulite.  It is a complementary treatment to good nutrition and an active lifestyle.  These simple tips will help you reduce cellulite.

Are you ready to try them?

How Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help Me Treat Cellulite?

Woman with cellulitis

One of the most interesting benefits of  apple cider vinegar  is its effectiveness in reducing fat in cells. It cleanses the body and prevents these fats from accumulating.

And keep in mind that while apple cider vinegar can help regulate too much fat in the blood, it  should not be consumed throughout the day as a healthy diet. Never do this.  It should be used, as we have said before, as a supplement to a healthy, balanced diet.

  • Apple cider vinegar is a good choice for those who are overweight and suffer from cellulite. It allows us to destroy accumulated fat as well as remove toxins.
  • It promotes digestion
  • It is good for our lymphatic system and is helpful in improving blood flow.
  • It lowers blood pressure and  lowers LDL or bad cholesterol.
  • Apple cider vinegar also helps the body maintain the right pH, just like baking soda or lemon.

How do I use apple cider vinegar to treat my cellulite?

To  treat cellulite , follow this treatment for two weeks out of each month. In other words, take this remedy for 15 days, then relax for the next 15.

Oral treatment with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar and apple


  • 1 liter of water.
  • 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar


Simply drink one liter of water mixed with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar during the day  according to the following schedule:

  • Drink a glass on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up.
  • Drink a glass more 20 minutes after eating lunch, just after digestion has begun, so that apple cider vinegar can do the job of  removing fats.
  • Drink one more glass in the afternoon.
  • Drink the last glass 20 minutes after dinner.

As we mentioned above, follow this treatment for 15 days in a row, then take a break for two weeks. Always combine this treatment with a low-fat diet, rich in fiber, fruits and fresh vegetables, along with exercise.

2. On-site treatment with apple cider vinegar

Woman treating cellulitis

With this treatment, you will benefit from the properties of apple cider vinegar directly through the skin. Do you want to know more? We have to explain that.


  • Mix a spoonful of apple cider vinegar with your usual  moisturizer  or essential oils.


  • Apply it twice daily: Once after your morning bath and once before bedtime,  simply mix the vinegar with your cream or lotion and massage it into areas with cellulite. Rub in circular motions to promote blood flow. If you want, you can also use a wooden roller or exfoliating sponge for a deeper massage.

You can use this treatment daily. It is important to be consistent  and always remember that cellulite is an enemy that it requires patience and effort to treat. Eat a varied diet and do not forget to exercise.

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