10 Early Symptoms Of Diabetes You Must Not Ignore

Before it really takes off, diabetes can manifest itself through certain symptoms that we should know how to recognize so that we can get a diagnosis as early as possible and thus get the necessary treatment.
10 early symptoms of diabetes you must not ignore

Diabetes is a disease that can be in the body for many years without going into outbreaks. The cause of diabetes is an increase in blood glucose that can be caused because the body either cannot produce enough insulin to process it itself, or because the body has developed resistance to this substance. In this article, you will find 10 early symptoms of diabetes that you must not ignore.

It always appears gradually  and is often confused with other common diseases.

The problem with this is that if it is not detected in time, it  can create problems for the functionality of important organs in the body  such as the kidneys, heart or brain.

This is why it is important that you are aware of any symptoms that may appear suspicious, although several of them may appear quite normal.

In this article, we share 10 start-up symptoms with you that are associated with diabetes so that you can more easily keep an eye on them in the future.

Feeling tired

Woman hanging

The lack of insulin, or the resistance to it, stops the cells from absorbing enough glucose, giving the body the energy it needs to function.

This results in  a strong feeling of physical and mental fatigue  that persists until the person rests.

Factors such as overweight or obesity, dehydration and imbalance in your blood pressure may also be part of this symptom.

2. Sleep problems

Poor blood sugar control is the leading cause of most sleep problems and chronic fatigue.

People with type 2 diabetes often have trouble falling asleep, or they suffer from some form of interruption during their rest period.

However, it is also important to mention that there is a greater chance of suffering from sleep problems if you sleep less than 6 hours per night.

3. Dry mouth and feeling of thirst

Woman reaching for tongue

Glucose is one of the most important “fuels” in our body. However, if not used properly, then it is one of the biggest causes of dehydration.

This condition affects the activity of the cells throughout the body and the production of saliva, so your tongue becomes dry and you feel thirsty.

Frequent urination

Too much glucose in the blood causes the kidneys to go on overtime as they try to filter it  and because of this you will feel a more frequent need to go to the toilet.

This substance stops toxins (toxins) in the body from being filtered out properly  and therefore affects the functioning of the urinary tract system.

5. Urinary tract infections

Woman holding on to her belly

Another common sign of diabetes is prolonged and frequent urinary tract infections. This happens because the increase in glucose in the blood weakens the immune system.

As a result, the production of antibodies decreases and the body is more likely to be affected by attacks from viruses, bacteria and fungi.

6. Wounds take a long time to heal

Wound surfaces or skin ulcers that take a long time to heal or do not heal at all are a clear sign of more glucose in the blood than usual.

Diabetic patients need to pay extra attention to skin ulcers because it can create complications that require a doctor if they are not treated properly.

7. Foot problems

Person pressing on the underside of the foot - symptoms of diabetes you do not

The feet are one of the body parts where signs of diabetes appear most clearly. It normally goes beyond  circulatory problems and fluid retention ability.

If diabetes gets out of control, it can go beyond the nerve endings in the feet, giving numbness or the feeling of walking on needles constantly.

8. Blurred vision

The dehydration of your body  as a consequence of an elevated glucose level can lead to vision problems.

The reduction in fluid affects the lenses of the eyes and their ability to focus, which ultimately results in blurred vision.

9. Anxiety about food

Woman eating kaempe sandwhich - symptoms of diabetes you do not

When glucose does not penetrate properly into the cells, the level of “fuel” is reduced, which causes the organs throughout the body to function.

This situation makes the body confused and therefore it  sends a signal of having to have more energy resources through food.

This means that until the intake of sugar is under control, then the body will feel a kind of anxiety after food.

10. Dry skin

We can also get a suspicion of diabetes by looking at our skin. In diabetic patients, a certain form of dryness in the skin can be observed. This is due to problems with the circulation and the dehydration that it also causes.

Of course, it is important to keep the other signs in mind as well, as dry skin itself can be caused by many other things.

Do you recognize many of the symptoms mentioned above? Are you at risk for diabetes? Before the disease has time to do too much damage, go to your doctor long enough to get the correct diagnosis and treatment.

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