Make Your Own Bowel Cleansing At Home

Bowel cleansing like this should only be seen as an exciting experiment. It cannot replace the doctor’s good advice, medication or healthy habits such as a varied diet and exercise.
Do your own bowel cleansing at home

Bowel cleansing is up to date at the moment. They can reportedly help you get a healthier gut. Remember that many doctors discourage bowel movements. But if you still want to try, you can learn here how to make your own homemade bowel cleansing.

What you need to know about bowel cleansing

Some people like to do a bowel cleansing, or bowel lavage, once in a while to remove toxins and other contaminants. Such harmful substances can cause disease and generally poor health.

The colon, of course, empties itself of toxins through the feces, and that is sufficient. You do not need to do a bowel movement to be healthy. But you can try it anyway if you think you feel like doing the experiment.

Intestinal lavages can reportedly help you get rid of the last remnants of toxins and feces, although many doctors do not consider it necessary.

Picture of the intestine

Those who believe in bowel cleansing say that it makes one feel less heavy and more energetic. Without the unnecessary substances, the gut can obviously absorb more nutrients and remove more waste from the body.

The modern diet is full of harmful substances, additives and preservatives that accumulate inside the body. Especially the intestines, kidneys, liver and colon suffer. After three times, one should really be able to feel the results. But you will feel much more comfortable already after the first cleansing.

Be extra careful about what you eat. Avoid foods that contain dairy products and foods that irritate the digestive system. Be sure to eat only small amounts of protein. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits and fiber. Remember to drink plenty of water.

Are bowel cleansings dangerous?

Intestinal cleansing can be dangerous because it removes the bacteria in the colon. These bacteria need to be recovered afterwards. According to experts, bowel movements can have many side effects without necessarily solving your problem. It is therefore not always a good idea. Talk to your doctor before trying.

Eat natural yogurt or take a dietary supplement that contains active cultures or yeast. You can also try eating sauerkraut. Cabbage contains glutamine, which accelerates the rebuilding of cells in the digestive system.

Woman's flat stomach

Another good idea is to get a massage that helps release the toxins that the urine contains. You can also go for a walk, swim or practice yoga to get your digestive system going. Remember that a healthy diet and exercise are always better than resorting to bowel movements. There is no shortcut to being healthy.

If you do a bowel cleansing, you should stay home all day and the following day. Therefore, it is ideal to do this cleansing for a weekend. Try not to move too much or go out.

Also read: Four smoothies that cleanse the body of toxins

Smoothies and juices that cleanse the colon

The colon is an important part of the body. This is where nutrients and vitamins are absorbed and waste is removed. If the colon contains toxins, harmful substances and fat, one will become lethargic and can easily succumb to fatigue and illness.

To cleanse your colon naturally, you can use these homemade juices and smoothies:

Intestinal cleansing with green aloe, cucumber and apple

This juice is really delicious and helps detoxify the colon. The ingredients are all tonic and their effects are guaranteed. The digestive system will feel much better and in an instant your figure will look smaller. You will need a slice of pineapple, half a cucumber with peel, a small (preferably green) apple, aloe vera gel, and an orange. Cut the cucumber in half and put all the ingredients in a blender together with the juice from the orange. You can add a cup of water to dilute the juice. Drink it twice a day, as the first thing in the morning and again in the evening, for seven days.

Green smoothie

Ginger juice

This is one of the world’s easiest recipes for cleansing the colon. It is super effective at removing toxins quickly and gently. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and improves digestion. All you need is a washed and peeled ginger root and a glass of water. Chop the ginger and then add both ingredients to a blender. When they are well mixed, you should strain the liquid. Drink this on an empty stomach, and sweeten it if necessary. with a little honey if you will. It is also a good way to treat nausea, heartburn, acid reflux and other digestive problems – in addition to cleansing the colon.

Red juice to cleanse the colon

This juice will soothe the colon while removing toxins. It is fresh and contains both diuretic and antioxidant properties. You will need six strawberries, a slice of fresh pineapple, and a tablespoon of fresh parsley. Blend them together with a little water, and drink this time a day before breakfast, for a week.

Also read: 4 homemade juice recipes to try

Lemon juice

Lemon is squeezed

Lemon has lots of detoxifying and cleansing properties in general. If you want to use it to cleanse the colon, just squeeze the juice from a lemon and mix it with half a glass of warm water. Drink just before bedtime.

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