9 Solutions For Relieving Menopausal Symptoms

In addition to eating well and including foods that help you deal with the symptoms of menopause, you can also resort to alternative solutions. Check out these 9 natural solutions available to help you find relief.
9 solutions for relieving menopausal symptoms

Menopause is a significant period of change in a woman’s life that can include various symptoms, including:

Symptoms of menopause

  • Hot flashes
  • Sweat
  • Dryness
  • Weight gain

But all women experience this stage differently.

Here we would like to offer you 9 natural solutions that help you alleviate menopause.

1. Natural juices

Natural juices

In addition to some very beneficial supplements for a healthy and happy menopause, a balanced diet is always the key to good health.

Therefore, fresh juices made at home with fruits and vegetables are essential for a complete, natural diet.

Fresh juices provide a large amount of vitamins and minerals as well as fiber, which is very good for improving bowel movement and as a result the process by which your body cleanses itself.

This way you avoid the accumulation of toxins that aggravate menopause.

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2. Chia seeds

If you let the chia seeds soak overnight, you will see how the water you soften them in turns into gelatin. This is due to its mucosal content, a substance that helps cleanse the intestines deeply.

Taking this remedy daily will help reduce your abdominal area. This is especially helpful if you have flatulence or have constipation problems.

You can also add chia seeds to smoothies, juices, breads and biscuits. This is a great way to add them to your diet without even realizing it, thus gradually reducing your bloating.



If you want to improve your overall health and prevent menopausal symptoms, you can take advantage of garlic, a medicinal food that cleanses your body and improves blood circulation.

Garlic can be enjoyed raw, on toast or added to a homemade vegetable juice.

There are also garlic oil capsules for people who do not like the smell.

4. Legumes

Legumes are a very beneficial food for menopause for two reasons:

  • First, they are rich in vegetable protein and fiber, and they therefore improve bowel function and help lose fat that accumulates around your center.
  • Second, they are rich in phytoestrogen or plant-based estrogen, which helps regulate hormone imbalances that occur during this time and cause these bothersome symptoms.

5. Ginseng

Ginseng is a medicinal plant that is very good at treating depression and sadness that is often seen in this time of change.

However, it is not recommended in case of anxiety or arterial hypertension as it stimulates your body.

You can perform a treatment for 10 days and then rest the rest of the month. You will see a significant improvement in your mood.

6. Maca

Maca is a tuber from the Andean countries that helps you regulate hormonal imbalances naturally without side effects.

In addition, it is an excellent food for your skin and your hair, as well as a very effective aphrodisiac for both men and women.

7. Beer yeast

Beer yeast is a well-known supplement for the treatment of skin, hair and nail problems.

Similarly, thanks to its high content of vitamins and minerals, it is also recommended to improve menopausal symptoms, give you energy and regulate your nervous system.

8. Sage essential oil

Sage oil

Essential oils are a very effective resource for balancing your body and your mind.

When it comes to menopause, one of the most beneficial oils is sage, which treats sadness, irritability, fluid retention and arterial hypertension.

You can take one drop of this essential oil every day for two weeks, or alternatively apply it on your temples and wrists.

9. Bach florist for menopause

Bach flower remedies are floral essences that treat physical and emotional disorders. The best during menopause are:

  • Walnut and honeysuckle (to help you adjust to the change)
  • Wild rose (to give you energy and vitality)
  • Gentian (for treatment of depression)

A professional therapist will help you find a personalized prescription for your particular case.

Give these good natural remedies a try!

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