9 Reasons To Start The Day With Fresh Lemon Water

Starting the day with a glass of fresh lemon water has the same benefits as coffee, because it activates the brain, but it has fewer calories.
9 reasons to start the day with fresh lemon water

Lemon water is one of the most refreshing and tasty drinks that can be made at home. Most people prefer to enjoy it on hot summer days, but it is perfect for almost any time of the week.

The advantage that it has over other types of juices and soft drinks is that it contains very few calories. But it contains many nutrients that benefit one’s health.

Thanks to this, one can make it a part of all kinds of diet plans and even enjoy it several times a day.

Because of all the benefits it has, it recently became one of the most popular drinks to consume early in the day.

It is best to drink fresh lemon water in the morning as one’s body is able to absorb all the nutrients in the morning and use them to perform various tasks during the day.

We encourage you to adopt this habit from now on and we will give you nine good reasons why. Do not miss it!

1. Fresh lemon water keeps one hydrated

Lemon water

One of the reasons why it is a good idea to drink fresh lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning is because one’s body has lost a lot of fluid during the night.

Fluid is lost through sweat and urine, so it will need to be replaced with a healthy and refreshing beverage.

2. It prevents urinary tract infections

The antiviral and antimicrobial properties of this drink are the key to preventing and treating infections that affect the urinary tract.

Ingesting this daily on an empty stomach helps remove harmful bacteria that tend to accumulate in the kidneys and bladder.

3. It has a very low calorie content


Many people prefer to drink coffee in the morning because this drink activates the brain and awakens one so that one can begin his working day.

But what only a few people know is that fresh lemon water has similar effects as coffee, while containing fewer calories.

The juice of a lemon in a glass of water contains only six calories and is packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber.

4. It prevents oxidative damage

Lemon contains a significant amount of phytonutrients. It is a type of antioxidant that prevents damage from free radicals that damage tissues throughout the body.

This means that when you consume lemon juice, it protects against premature aging from within.

5. It contains vitamin C.

Lemon slices

As most people already know, a lemon contains more than one-sixth of one’s daily recommended amount of vitamin C.

This important nutrient stops cellular damage, promotes the regeneration of skin cells and helps the skin recover from various types of damage.

6. It balances the body’s pH

Many people mistakenly believe that the sour taste of lemon means that it increases the body’s level of acid.

Quite the opposite, it has been proven that lemons are one of the best natural alkaline foods. They help improve one’s metabolism and rediscover the body’s pH value.

7. It strengthens one’s immune system

Immune system

Another effect of vitamin C, which is found in lemons, is that it strengthens the body’s immune system.

Drinking lemon water as a start to the day improves one’s defenses and prevents the development of viral diseases.

8. It improves one’s digestion

Many of the problems that affect one’s digestive system can be alleviated by drinking lemon water on an empty stomach.

The fiber and water content help prevent constipation, relieve bloating and fight heartburn.

9. It keeps the skin young

Young skin

The high content of antioxidants in lemon water also benefits the health of one’s skin. These substances fight free radicals and prevent the visibility of early wrinkles.

In addition , vitamin C increases one’s collagen production and plays an important role in skin elasticity.

It also keeps the skin hydrated, reduces excessive oil production and prevents acne.

How to make fresh lemon water to start your day with

To get all the benefits that we described above, the most recommended recipe is a type of lemon water that is hot and without any added sweetener.


  • 200 ml of water
  • The juice of a lemon


  • Put the water in a saucepan or kettle over medium heat until it reaches a suitable temperature to drink.
  • Squeeze the juice from a lemon and mix it with the lukewarm or warm water.

How to drink it

  • Drink it every day, right after you get up.
  • Wait 30 to 45 minutes before eating breakfast.

As you can see, natural and fresh lemon water is a wonderful drink that has many more uses than just cooling one down. Try drinking it every morning and you will find out how much healthier you will feel.

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