9 Important Tips To Prevent Split Ends

You may have tried everything to avoid annoying split ends and it just did not work. Don’t worry: there are easier, healthier and cheaper ways to fight split ends! Learn about them in this article.
9 important tips to prevent split ends

Are you tired of having to cut your hair to get rid of split ends?

You may have already tried all sorts of special products, such as conditioner or serum, to avoid split ends, but it still has not prevented them from occurring every now and then.

In this article, we will give you some  main tips to prevent them naturally. It gives you long, healthy and hydrated hair.

Apply a vegetable oil to the hair and split ends

Forget about chemical serums, which are expensive and only provide moisture to the hair while you have it in.

We recommend that you replace them with nourishing vegetable oils. You will  only need a few drops of it to be able to keep the tips of your hair healthy.

Try coconut, jojoba or argan oil. It really works!

2. Cut your tips every three months

Avoid split ends by putting oil in your hair and getting it cut frequently

It might hurt to hear this if you have tried to avoid the hairdresser and get long hair.

However, if you  mow just half an inch every three months, you will not notice that it gets mowed. Instead  , your hair will continue to grow strong and healthy.

This is how one will  avoid having to cut long pieces of one’s hair off later.

3. Choose a natural shampoo

Shampoo means something. Shampoos that contain sulfur compounds tend to dry out one’s hair and damage it,  especially the tips, even though they clean one’s hair and may leave it delicious to the touch on the first day.

We recommend that you  choose natural shampoo without sulfur compounds  and only wash the scalp. Never put shampoo directly in your tips as the foam will cleanse all your hair.

This is how you will be able to avoid causing even more damage.

4. Put hair masks in dry hair

Although we want hair products to work, we also tend to be busy. The manufacturers know this, and that is why the instructions on how to use the product often say that we should leave the mask in the hair for a maximum of one or two minutes.

For a mask to really work, however, it is best to get it in dry hair and let it sit for at least ten minutes.

You can leave the mask on while doing other things or let it sit overnight if you are busy taking a bath in the morning.

5. Brush your hair with the right brush

Choosing a good brush is important to prevent split ends. We are not just talking about expensive professional brushes, but  wooden brushes with natural brushes.

These types of brushes  do not damage one’s hair or produce static electricity,  unlike those made of plastic or synthetic materials.

Every night before going to bed, you  should gently brush your hair  so that the natural oil in your scalp gives it moisture.

6. Be careful with straighteners and hair dryers

You probably already know that  straighteners and hair dryers damage the fibers in one’s hair and weaken it. It makes it more fragile, more susceptible to damage and to develop split ends.

Therefore  , one should avoid these things whenever possible. If you use them, you should choose the types that damage your hair the least, such as those that use ceramics or infrared materials.

7. Eat a balanced diet

Sometimes split ends are caused by a lack of vitamins, minerals, proteins or fatty acids.

When one’s body lacks nutrients, it steals them from one’s hair to use them on other more important functions.

Be sure to eat the following foods daily:

  • Raw fruits and vegetables
  • Nuts and kernels
  • Avocado
  • Vegetables
  • Fat fish
  • Whole grains

8. Drink water

Split tips are also associated with dehydration.

Our hair needs water just like the rest of the body. We recommend that you  drink  at least  8 glasses of water a day.

You can drink two on an empty stomach, two in the morning, two in the afternoon and two in the evening, always outside meals.

9. Massage your scalp

A good daily massage of the scalp, in addition to being very soothing, will help  you to activate your blood circulation  and it will also  help nutrients reach all your hair better.

Do it once a day. Make circular motions with your fingertips. Alternatively, you can get another person to do it for you while you enjoy the massage and benefit from it.

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