9 Foods To Eat In The Evening To Get A Flat Stomach

To get a flat stomach, we need to be patient and combine the intake of diuretic and natural foods with physical exercise in order to promote the burning of fat.
9 foods to eat in the evening to get a flat stomach

Do you want to have a flat stomach? A goal like this, as you may already know, requires three primary things:  endurance, some exercise, and a well-balanced diet.

You will not achieve it in just a single day or even not a month. It will take a few weeks before you can see a weight loss, fewer parts and a smaller clothing size.

That said, in addition to the physical aspect, it is important to  pay attention to the size of one’s stomach for a very important reason: Your health.

Do not forget that a large stomach is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, it is worth making an effort to work on avoiding it. And  if you want to get a flat stomach, there is nothing better than keeping an eye on your diet.

Today we want to mention a number of foods you can eat in the evening that will help you reach your goal of getting a flat stomach.

1. Say yes to leafy vegetables to get a flat stomach

The fastest way to get a flat stomach is by  eating leafy vegetables every day instead of other more harmful foods.

However, you should  choose those that will not cause indigestion  and will let you get an undisturbed and restful sleep, especially for your last meal of the day.

  • The best leafy vegetables are  cabbage, spinach and romaine lettuce.
  • Remember though: if they are too hard to eat raw, you can always  eat them steamed.
  • That way, they will retain a great deal of their nutritional properties and also  make it easier for you to rest.

2. Olive oil

Believe it or not, olive oil is another great way to get a flat stomach.

The fatty acids found in extra virgin olive oil, such as oleic acid,  can help break down the more stubborn fat  found in our body, especially in the abdominal area.

  • Add a few drops of olive oil to your salad: Your health will thank you.

3. Mint tea

Before going to bed, do not hesitate to enjoy a good mint tea.

In addition to acting as a sedative for the muscles, mint also helps detoxify your body. In addition, it is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and excellent for maintaining a healthy liver.

  • You can drink  up to two cups of mint tea a day.

Remember that the best time to improve your well-being and achieve weight loss is at night.

4. Seagrass

Scale with soegraes

If you have not heard of seagrass, it is time to do so. Seagrass is valued for its  high content of iodine and the ability to regulate metabolism  (the rate at which your body burns fat).

Seagrass is also very rich in several vitamins, all of which are ideal for promoting the  breakdown of fat and relieving the accumulation of fluid.

Look for it in a supermarket that sells specialty products. You will love it!

5. Asparagus

Whether it is wild asparagus or white asparagus, you can eat as much as you want because it is all good for your health.

Asparagus is full of vitamins (A, B complex, C and E) and minerals such as zinc and potassium. All this is necessary in order to  promote the excretion of excessive amounts of fluid in one’s body.

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes, tomato sauce

We love tomatoes and they are an excellent choice for a healthy meal if you combine them with some protein.

Tomatoes are  loaded with antioxidants. They help us lose weight and get a flat stomach for many reasons: they fight swelling and the accumulation of fluid.

Thanks to leptin, a type of protein found in tomatoes, you can  regulate your metabolism and feel full.

7. Watermelon

Watermelon is rich in potassium (and water, of course). It is an important mineral for the proper excretion of excess amounts of fluid in one’s body.

In addition, watermelons are rich in vitamin C, which takes  care of one’s immune system and fights inflammation.

Find the motivation to make a delicious salad where you can add some watermelon. You will love it!

8. Cucumber

Cucumber is actually another member of the melon family. Therefore, they share some of the same weight loss properties as watermelon.

They are  filling, diuretic and full of vitamins. In your dinner, you can cut them into thin slices and serve them with a bit of apple cider vinegar.

9. Artichokes

Artichokes on a plate

They are excellent and more than a perfect choice for one’s dinner.

They are rich in fiber, fight belly fat,  contain few calories, are nutritious, easy to digest and of course really delicious.

In addition, do not forget that artichokes are vegetables that  improve liver health.

Any food that takes care of the health of the liver is perfect for dinner. After all, as you may know, this body takes care of the majority of the cleansing of one’s body at night.

In conclusion, if you want to lose weight on a tummy and get a flat stomach, it is necessary to be persistent and  combine a healthy, balanced and varied diet with some exercise.

Do not hesitate to start taking better care of yourself today!

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