8 Tips: How To Avoid Gaining Weight During Menopause

In addition to changing your eating habits to adapt to this new phase of your life, a half-hour walk each day can help you stay in shape.
8 tips: How to avoid gaining weight during menopause

Some people think that putting on  menopause  is something that can not be avoided. They believe that their metabolism will undergo certain changes and that they will be difficult, if not impossible to control.

When you gradually phase out your normal menstrual cycle, it means that your body is producing less estrogen. Hormonal shifts are reflected in both your body and your mood.

However, by being aware of the changes this process can bring, you can take some early steps to prevent them, while always relying on your doctor’s advice. 

Menopause is a new phase of your life and it is possible to live as full, healthy and happy as before by simply taking care of yourself. In today’s article we will explain how.

That’s why you put on menopause

According to the  European Medical Institute of Obesity, women can actually increase their body weight by 5-10 kilos.

So you may be asking yourself if this is inevitable and that you want to put on menopause? Is there anything we can do to stop this at this stage?

Of course there is. By taking the necessary measures, you can prevent this from happening to you, while also helping you to achieve a better overall quality of life. But to understand those changes a little better, let’s first discuss the reasons:

Hormone disorders

During menopause, your body will stop producing estrogen. This means that you will notice some small changes:

  • Your metabolism will slow down and your adipocytes (fat deposits) will increase.
  • You will require less energy for your body and everything you eat that goes beyond what you need will be converted into fat.
  • In many cases, women experience emotional changes during menopause. This can cause  difficulty sleeping, anxiety and even depression.
  • Menopause can lead to eating disorders.
  • Some women will experience a loss of muscle tone.
  • Menopause will gradually reduce your muscle fibers. You will gain more fat and less muscle, and lose the strength and lightness  that you enjoyed just a few years ago.

Get control of your emotions

Something that usually occurs in women who are going through menopause is that they are experiencing some of the changes in a negative way.

When they look in the mirror, they can see that they have gone up a size or two when they have eaten normally. And they wonder: I take care of my diet, but why do I suddenly have this fat around my stomach, thighs, or even face?

It is important to be aware of what is happening in your body  – only then can you find better ways to improve your quality of life.

Sometimes the emotional challenges can lead to having to take certain medications, such as antidepressants. In the long run, these can also cause weight gain and physical changes.  Remember to take that into account.

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Women experience gaining weight during menopause

A new phase requires new strategies to avoid gaining weight during menopause

You can remain beautiful and still see yourself as attractive. Menopause is the beginning of a new phase in your life that needs to be lived to the fullest. All you have to do is be aware of the new changes in your body and develop new, good habits.

Remember that you can always go to your doctor if you are in doubt about something or want to try different treatments.

It’s something that depends on what kind of woman you are and your body type.

However, one thing needs to be made clear and that is the fact that your body now requires fewer  calories.  That doesn’t mean you have to eat less – you simply have to “eat better.”

2. Prioritize the consumption of certain vegetables

  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Pumpkin
  • Cauliflower
  • Eggplant
  • Garlic
  • Onion

Eat two servings of fruit a day

As you are probably aware, many fruits have a high sugar content and can lead to weight gain if you eat too many of them.

The European Medical Institute of Obesity  recommends that you should consume two servings of fruit a day.

Want to know what the best fruits are?

  • Fruit with white flesh:  Pears and apples.
  • Oranges and strawberries  are excellent sources of bioflavonoids that can help relieve symptoms such as hot flashes.
  • Pomegranates

4. Say “yes” to whole oat flakes

  • It is highly recommended that you eat  oatmeal or pumpernickel bread  for breakfast.
  • For lunch, you can accompany these types of bread with your salads and vegetables, for example.

5. Eat fatty fish twice a week

Fish like salmon provide important omega-3 fatty acids and protein  to help improve the health of your heart and the overall balance of your body. 

6. The importance of white meat and healthy fats

It is a good idea to consume these up to four times a week:

  • Chicken or turkey
  • White fish, like hake, cod and monkfish
  • Flaxseed
  • Add olive oil, chopped avocado and nuts to your salads

7. Remember to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day

  • It is important that you remember to stay well hydrated. To do this, always try to carry a bottle of water on you.
  • It is also a good idea to drink a glass of  red wine

8. Get lots of exercise


Put on some comfortable clothes and invite a friend to go for a walk, dance, swim, hike, or bike. 45 minutes of aerobic exercise daily is a good habit.

Want to read more? Experience all the benefits of a walk

Try to follow all these tips and avoid gaining weight during menopause.

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