8 That Can Fight Thyroid Related Hair Loss

If you have problems with your thyroid gland, your hair will be brittle and brittle. It’s a good idea to improve how it feels, nurture it from within, and avoid stressing it – it can worsen your condition.
8 that can combat thyroid-related hair loss

Problems with the thyroid gland can cause changes in all of your bodily systems, and in the case of your hair, it can change the cycles of your capillaries and cause alarming hair loss. This article is about how to fight thyroid related hair loss.

Although most people ignore it, there is a link between the hormone activity in your thyroid gland and the health of your hair.

This is why it is important to understand that your thyroid gland stimulates the hair follicles, regulates the health of the sebaceous glands, and participates in the production of sebum.

Because of this, it is not surprising that a possible imbalance in this gland can cause chronic and severe hair loss, which is almost always difficult to control.

Patients with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism should deal with brittle, dry, and brittle hair.

Fortunately, there are plenty of tips and treatments that can help you strengthen your hair and improve its appearance.

Next, we want to share seven of the most relevant tips for you so you will not hesitate to try them.

Give it a shot!

Request for a laboratory test

To start with, you need to have a test that confirms thyroid related hair loss.

If you suspect that your hair loss is due to a problem with your thyroid gland, consult your doctor and ask for a complete laboratory examination.

This will help you understand the activity of the thyroid gland and how it can affect you.

Remember that in addition to hair loss, you may experience other symptoms and health problems.

2. Make sure you get the correct dose of thyroid hormone supplements

Once you have found out what kind of thyroid problem you have, you can receive treatment through thyroid hormone supplements, which are designed to control your symptoms.

It is important to do this under medical supervision because the supplemental dose must be prepared according to the needs of your body.

3. Improve your diet and prevent thyroid-related hair loss

Although there is no need to have health issues to make improvements in what you eat, it is important for patients with thyroid problems to do this as soon as possible.

Because uncontrolled hormones can limit the body’s ability to absorb high quality nutrients, it’s a good idea to follow a balanced and complete diet.

Toxic and inflammatory foods can aggravate the symptoms caused by thyroid problems and should be removed.

For example, you should exclude dairy, gluten, and genetically modified foods (corn, soybeans, and certain vegetables) from your diet.

Instead of increasing your intake of the following sources:

  • Iodine
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Vitamins A, B and D.

4. Ingest a source of collagen

Collagen is a protein that is rich in amino acids, including glutamine. These nutrients strengthen the hair and give it elasticity, which is essential for keeping it in good condition.

Although your body can produce this on its own, it is a good idea to supplement it with other sources, especially as production is declining as you age.

Intake of collagen also provides benefits to your bones and joints, reducing your risk of chronic diseases.

Some recommended foods include:

  • Gelatin
  • Red fruits
  • Citrus fruits
  • Egg white
  • Prayers
  • Fish and shellfish

5. Avoid using heat

Heated appliances such as curling irons, hair dryers and irons, among others, are the worst enemy to healthy hair, especially if it is already weakened due to your thyroid gland.

These devices can affect the structure of the hair strands themselves, reducing its strength and eventually causing it to break and fall off.

6. Increase your water intake to combat thyroid-related hair loss

Drinking water is not only beneficial for the healthy functioning of the body’s most important systems, but it is also important to maintain healthy hair.

Consuming six to eight glasses of water a day can help you avoid dry scalp and maintain good circulation.

7. Add gelatin to your shampoo and avoid thyroid related hair loss

The proteins and collagen contained in non-flavored gelatin are very beneficial in caring for and strengthening your hair.

Unlike other commercial products, it will not cause any side effects and is very easy to get hold of.

Regular use helps to avoid hair loss and other problems that appear due to imbalance in the thyroid gland.

Just add half of a packet of gelatin powder to every 200 grams of natural shampoo.

8. Avoid stress and avoid thyroid-related hair loss

Stress can aggravate thyroid symptoms, including hair loss.

It has been shown that this emotional state can have negative effects on the health of your capillaries and is one of the causes of hair loss.

Remember that if you have a thyroid problem, it is important that you follow professional medical recommendations and receive periodic medical examinations.

The tips we have mentioned here can be immediately put into practice as a supplement to the care of your hair.

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