8 Natural Remedies To Control Your Anxiety

To relieve anxiety, it is a good idea to do physical activity and avoid anything that may disturb our peace, such as alcohol or tobacco.
8 natural remedies to control your anxiety

Anxiety is a normal feeling we experience in moments of danger or worry. It is a warning that helps us to be able to react to difficult moments. However, when this anxiety starts to become frequent and for no reason, it becomes a problem and is accompanied by irritating symptoms for our body. It can be difficult to control your anxiety.

Some symptoms that occur if you have anxiety

  • Insomnia, restless sleep
  • Heavy breathing
  • Dizziness
  • Strong heartbeat
  • Irritability, anger
  • Digestive problems
  • Increased respiration and heart rate
  • Women may experience elevated premenstrual symptoms
  • Lump in throat
  • Dry feeling in the mouth
  • Inability to remain quiet and concentrate on something

Anxiety symptoms start with a loss of control over our emotions. Panic attacks can be part of coping mechanisms and hysterical episodes that affect both your mental health and your family.

It is very difficult to reassure oneself in those situations where nothing extraordinary has happened.

The person begins to have to deal with a degree of permanent pressure, and this affects the body and among other things, these things begin to happen:

  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Inability to rest
  • Lack of concentration
  • Inability to hold a conversation

Natural remedies that help fight your anxiety

There are a large number of home remedies and natural remedies that can be helpful in combating anxiety and in helping to reduce its common symptoms.

If these remedies do not help you fight it, you should seek the help of a specialist.

1. Daily exercise

Woman exercising

Walking and cycling are highly recommended exercises for controlling stress and lowering anxiety.

2. Meditation

It is highly advisable as it really helps in relaxing the body. With breathing techniques you will be able to control your stress.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol to avoid nervousness

Coffee being poured

If you have problems with stress, it is necessary to remove these substances from your diet.

  • You can replace it with decaffeinated coffee or tea: There are flowers or fruity options that are good because they are natural.

Vitamin B and magnesium supplements: very important to control your anxiety

If you are magnesium deficient, take supplements or eat foods that contain it. It will relax your muscles, you will be able to control your heartbeat and you will be able to prevent all the symptoms that come with this disease.

If you are on a vegan or vegetarian diet, talk to your doctor about your vitamin B levels. If you need a grant, he will tell you.

We must not forget that the lack of this supplement can cause anxiety.

5. Eat oatmeal


It is a good food for calming your nervous system. It has a large amount of carbohydrates that increase serotonin levels in the brain.

Serotonin is the hormone that is responsible for keeping your body peaceful and happy. A breakfast with oatmeal and fruit is a healthy way to start the day.

6. How to use chamomile tea to control your anxiety

This plant is often used in tea because of its many health properties.

It has soothing properties that reduce stress and anxiety. It is also good for helping you fall asleep and it has a relaxing effect on your muscles.

It also helps soothe the nerves in the stomach which aids in digestion. And it can fight the inflammation that can be produced in the mucous membrane of the stomach walls.

  • Drink a cup of chamomile tea before going to bed: It will help you rest and you will feel more relaxed.

7. Passion flower

Beautiful flowers - control your anxiety

This plant has many benefits that help with insomnia and things related to our nerves, indigestion and gastrointestinal problems.

It has soothing and relaxing properties that treat problems with nervousness, anxiety and stress.


  • 1 tablespoon dried passion flower leaves (15 g)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)


  • Heat the cup with water and add the passion flower (you need to add all parts of the flower).
  • Cover and let stand for 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes sieve and drink the liquid.
  • You can drink it three times a day.

Eat salad to control your anxiety

Lettuce is a very healthy food that helps fight nervousness and anxiety as it is a natural sedative. In this case, we drink it in the form of a tea.


  • 4 cups water (1 liter)
  • 1 cup chopped lettuce leaves (30 g)


  • Boil the water, and when it is boiled, add lettuce leaves.
  • Let it stand for 10 minutes and then turn off the heat.
  • Let it cool, sift and drink it.

You can drink one cup of this mixture twice a day.

With these tips and natural remedies you will be able to minimize the symptoms of anxiety. But if it persists and you are in doubt, then you should talk to your doctor.

Remember that your health is all that matters.

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