7 Things You Should Never Tolerate In Your Relationship

It is important to learn to identify these toxic signs of behavior from the beginning of a relationship and not overlook them because they can become persistent and destroy you mentally.
7 things you should never tolerate in your relationship

When we make the decision to have a partner, we seek to form an experience full of emotion and happiness. But there are certain things you should never tolerate in your relationship.

Things you should never tolerate in your relationship

The attraction and devotion encourages us to improve ourselves. O ver time, it allows us to feel complete.

We have to face difficult situations that can determine if we really want to continue the relationship.

Although ups and downs are normal, it is important to be able to recognize certain patterns of behavior and ugly actions that we should not tolerate under any circumstances.

So-called “emotional predators” are everywhere, and unfortunately we often become prey.

That is why today we will dedicate our blog to 7 things that you should not tolerate in your relationship.

Control is one of the things you should not tolerate in your relationship

Woman is angry at boyfriend

When you agree to be in a relationship with someone, you will share your life with them, but not accept that they take full control of you.

If you give them the opportunity to tell you what to do or not to do, how to dress or what friends to spend time with, then it is likely that over time they will think they have total control. over your decisions.

It can ruin your self-esteem and your freedom to develop your own personality.

2. Aggression

You should not find yourself in physically or emotionally aggressive behavior no matter the circumstances.

Verbal attacks, push and in the worst case physical abuse are sufficient motives to determine that this person should not be in your life.

If someone attacks your integrity because they do not like things in your life, or because they think they can solve problems that way, things can get worse.

These partners are manipulative. Since they know your weaknesses, they will look for ways to convince you to stay with them.

3. Lack of trust you should not tolerate in your relationship

Couples looking at each other

One of the fundamental virtues of any relationship is trust.

This ingredient allows both parties to feel confident in the person they have by their side. They feel safe in the certainty that they have each other.

Lack of trust can lead to suffocating jealousy and constant quarrels.

4. Emotional blackmail

Some people are good at using emotions like blackmail.

In general, they are trying to build a concept based on toxic love. Where all their actions and behaviors are validated because “they love you”.

It is very important to be strong when faced with this type of extortion because any sign of weakness will allow them to feel in control.

5. Mock regarding your appearance

Man and woman talking together.

We all have physical faults that can make us feel insecure and create problems in our relationships and social environments.

But when we share our lives with someone, we want the person to help us minimize what we dislike and encourage our self-esteem and confidence.

If a partner makes objections about your body, pushes you in terms of your weight, or tries to ruin you by emphasizing your shortcomings, then leave them.

You are not obligated to adhere to the stereotypes of their beauty, much less obligated to please others.

6. Lie

Lies are one of the greatest enemies in any relationship. Not only because they affect trust, but also because they become a form of manipulation tools.

While it can be harmless to occasionally tell a white lie , if it becomes a lifestyle, it can ruin the relationship completely.

Lies tend to be interpreted as infidelity, and when they are frequent, they can serve as a trigger to realize that this person is not who they say they are.

7. Make you sad

Your girlfriend should not make you sad

Sad as it may seem, some people give everything to make their partners happy and in return, they only get ridicule and humiliation.

If your partner does not appreciate who you are, try to make you feel inferior or ridiculed in front of others. Then the best thing you can do is leave them as soon as possible.

Allowing them to behave this way will make them feel superior and that they have the right to attack you whenever they want.

Have you noticed any of these behavior patterns in your partner? Beware! Do not let the situation run off with you, because you may regret it. Your relationship should be respectful and should offer all the necessary components to feel happy.

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