7 Essential Oils To Help You Get Rid Of Warts

Although there are usually no unpleasant side effects, wash off the oil immediately with plenty of water if you experience a painful burning sensation when using essential oils.
7 essential oils to help you get rid of warts

Do you want to get rid of warts? Essential oils can help.

Warts are small skin changes that come from a skin infection. The infectious virus is a subtype of Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

This virus reproduces quickly. Little by little, it stimulates abnormal cell growth until it produces highly contagious and gross skin changes.

The immune system produces the necessary antibodies to fight the virus. The appearance of warts could thus be an indication of a weakened immune system.

However, the appearance of warts does not necessarily mean that there is a serious health problem. They are painless and are usually easily treated with a few natural remedies.

We know that warts can appear at any given time and almost anywhere on the body, so today we will show you 7 essential oils that will help you treat them!

1. Oregano essential oil

Jugs of herbal water

This essential oil is one of the most popular antiviral and antibacterial supplements that can protect your skin from the effects of infections.

Applying this oil on the affected area gradually reduces the size of the warts. Plus, as an added effect, it reduces the virus that makes warts contagious.

How do I use it?

  • Apply several drops of oregano essential oil on the affected area and let it sit without rinsing it off.
  • Repeat this process at least twice a day every day.

2. Peppermint essential oil

The antiviral properties of peppermint oil can be used to supplement a treatment to get rid of warts.

The natural substances in the oil inhibit the reproduction of the virus and prevent the formation of new warts in other areas of the skin.

How do I use it?

  • Add a generous amount of peppermint oil drops to some cotton wool and apply it on the wart.
  • After applying the oil, put a patch over the wart and let it sit overnight.
  • Repeat this process once a day until the wart is gone.

3. Tea tree essential oil

Too slow essential oil

Known for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, tea tree essential oil is one of the most commonly used natural remedies for treating warts.

It contains agents such as terpinol and alpha-terpine, the antiviral properties of which effectively fight human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection.

How do I use it?

  • Apply several drops of tea-tree essential oil to the wart and let the oil sit. Your skin needs to absorb it.
  • Repeat this two or three times a day to see effective results. Do it every day.

4. Eucalyptus essential oil

Although commonly used to treat respiratory infections, eucalyptus essential oil is also an effective treatment for your warts.

Its use “burns” the hard lumps of the skin and fights the virus that starts the infection.

How do I use it?

  • Gently rub a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil over the wart and cover it with a patch.
  • Let the oil sit for two to three hours, then remove the patch and repeat the process again, let it sit for another two to three hours.

5. Carnation essential oils

Carnation essential oil

The antiviral bioactive compounds contained in the fatty acid oil of cloves (such as carvacrol and eugenol) are very effective in fighting human papillomavirus, which helps reduce the appearance of warts on the skin.

The direct application of the oil on the warts helps to reduce the size of the warts and in turn provides a healing effect.

How do I use it?

  • Apply several drops of clove oil on the wart and let the oil sit without rinsing it off.
  • Repeat the process three times a day until the problem is under control.

6. Thyme essential oils

The oil, made from thyme essential oil, has antibiotic and antiviral properties that facilitate the treatment of this condition, including when the warts have reached a significant size.

These properties stop the continued growth of the coarse lesions and control the activity of the virus and prevent it from spreading to other areas of the skin.

How do I use it?

  • Add drops of the essential oil to some cotton wool and apply it on the wart. After application, apply a patch to the affected area.
  • Let it sit for two hours, then remove the patch and repeat the process.

7. Ginger essential oils

Essential oil with ginger

Gingerol, the most important bioactive compound in ginger, has antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. These facilitate the removal of these unfortunate skin changes.

When applied directly, the essential oil gets into an intense battle with the virus, which it eventually gains and removes the excess skin that forms the warts.

How do I use it?

  • Rub a few drops of ginger essential oil on the wart. Let your skin absorb the oil.
  • Repeat this process between three to four times a day until the warts disappear.

You should take advantage of the amazing properties of essential oils as a solution for warts. Stop these crooked little skin parasites from ruining the beauty of your skin!

There are many good options in the article. Use the one that you find most appealing or that has caught your attention. You will see great results!

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