6 Tricks For Clean Windows

Here are 6 tricks to clean windows effectively – but with a little effort.
6 tricks for clean windows

As windows are exposed to the elements, they get easily soiled and that means we have to do some maintenance. While cleaning is not fun work, everything has a solution. To make it a little easier and faster, we want to share 6 tricks you can use to get clean windows

You have probably cleaned them before and then been disappointed with the results. Then it frustrates you and then you stop cleaning them. But dirty windows will keep your house from looking good.

Even if you keep the floor, furniture and surfaces neat, it does not matter if the windows are full of grease, dust and dirt. Say goodbye to the dirty windows and use the good tricks below.

6 quick and effective tricks for clean windows

1. Vinegar: It will never fail you

While there are many cleansers that can provide a similar effect, vinegar is very powerful. And it does not smell as bad as some chemical products, which can also cause allergic reactions in some people.


Vinegar helps the dirt get off easily. This way you do not have to scrub the windows, but just slide the cloth or newspaper over the glass. Vinegar also gives a clear, crystal clear finish.

To clean windows in the easy way, combine only one part white vinegar with three parts hot water. To counteract the odor of vinegar, you can add a touch of lemon juice to the mixture. If the smell of vinegar bothers you a lot, you can also prepare the solution with five parts water instead of three.

If you still want to use a chemical window cleaner, we recommend combining them. That way, it will last longer. Mix 3 tablespoons white vinegar in two cups of water and add half a teaspoon of liquid detergent. You can see how well the dirt comes off.

2. Window cleaning

You can buy cleaning cloths in stores, but if your goal is to save money, then there are some alternatives. Cleaning windows with newspaper is the most appropriate solution for most people. It leaves no residue and gives a shiny finish.

Apart from this, you do not have to worry about scratching your windows. Newspaper will leave a very thin invisible layer that will keep your windows from getting dirty quickly again.

Cloths you already have around the house can also be effective in removing detergent residues. A very handy trick if you do not have any of the above is to use coffee filters. They have almost the same versatility as newspaper and will give you the same shiny finish without dirt or scratches.

3. Clean windows on an overcast day

No matter the climate in which you live, you can find a cloudy day to clean your windows. If you do it on a sunny day, the sun will dry the cleansing in such a way that it will leave streaks. Furthermore, cleaning in the bright sun can make it even less fun.

4. Clean very dirty windows

If you have been going for several months without cleaning your windows, they are probably pretty dirty. In this case, it is best to use a porous sponge and clean from top to bottom to avoid dripping water. You can use a microfiber cloth to polish the glass when it is dry. Just be careful that the cloth does not leave lint on the glass.

Get clean windows easily and quickly

5. Avoid streaks to get clean windows

You are now done cleaning your windows inside and out, but you still do not like the result. There are still streaks or dirt. You check it from the inside and there is nothing, then you see it outside and there is nothing either. It’s a nightmare, but it has a solution.

When washing your windows on both sides, clean them from side to side on the inside and make vertical movements on the outside. This will keep you from going crazy when you can not figure out which side the brands are on.

6. Blinds for clean windows

Blinds should also be cleaned, but calmly; it is very easy. Spray them with an antiseptic spray and use a cloth to wipe them, always with a cloth that leaves no residue.

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