6 Natural Methods To Reduce Bags Under The Eyes

Did you know that increasing your daily water intake and lowering your salt intake can help reduce the appearance of bags under your eyes?
6 natural methods to reduce bags under the eyes

Bags under the eye most often show up as our skin begins to age. They are produced due to a weakening of the tissue and the muscles that are around the eye. This makes the skin look flabby and as a consequence it seems as if you have bags under your eyes. But there are natural ways to reduce bags under the eyes.

They also occur among younger people due to hormonal imbalances, fluid retention or circulatory diseases.

While they are considered a simple beauty problem, most people prefer to prevent and treat them so that their skin does not look tired.

Fortunately , there are currently many known habits and treatments that can help you reduce your bags  without the need for aesthetic interventions.

We will take this opportunity to go over some of the causes associated with them and the various natural methods to minimize their appearance.

Causes of bags under the eyes

Bags under the eyes can occur as a result of the skin’s biological aging process. The tissues and muscles that make up our eyelids become weaker and the skin therefore tends to sag and collapse slightly over time.

This area can also be affected by factors such as:

  • Fluid retention
  • Hormonal changes
  • That you do not get enough sleep
  • Allergies and dermatitis
  • Your family’s genetic history

Symptoms of bags under the eyes

Woman's eyes

Noticeable inflammation under the eyes is a major sign that you are developing bags under the eyes. Sometimes this is also accompanied by:

  • Loose skin
  • Dark circles
  • Tired and irritated eyes

Natural methods to reduce bags under the eyes

Currently, there are many masks and creams that work to nourish the skin and reduce the appearance of your bags.

In general, however, it is important to keep in mind other methods that can help complement their effects.

Limit salt consumption to reduce bags under the eyes


Excessive salt consumption can cause fluid retention, causing bags to form under your eyelids.

It is therefore important to avoid adding too much salt to our homemade meals and generally to limit our consumption of foods that have a lot of it, such as:

  • Sausages
  • Curated cheeses
  • Canned food
  • Bakery products
  • Fried and packaged food

2. Sleep well

Good sleep can reduce the tired look that the eyes get when we have bags under them.

  • Try to get between 7 and 8 uninterrupted hours a day. This guarantees a good oxygenation of the skin, which in turn leaves it fresh and young.
  • It is a good idea to sleep with your head higher than the rest of your body, allowing for a better circulation of fluids so that they do not accumulate in this area.

3. Increase your water consumption

Woman drinking a glass of water

By not drinking enough water, our body’s ability to remove excess fluids is reduced and this affects our metabolism and thereby ultimately the health of our skin.

  • It is important to drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water or healthy drinks a day.

4. Wash yourself with cold water

Washing your face with cold water is a good therapy that can actually cause a reactivation of the blood circulation in the area around your eyes.

This simple method reduces the appearance of your bags and dark circles and leaves the skin hydrated and gives it a fresh look for longer.

It should also be noted that hot water reduces the skin’s natural oils, which contribute to deteriorating and weakening its appearance.

5. Do not remove the potato peels

Person peeling potatoes

Potatoes contain anti-inflammatory components that help reduce the size of the bags under your eyes. Their direct use refreshes our skin and also provides a soothing effect. This reduces fatigue.

  • Cool some raw potato peels in the freezer, then place them over your closed eyes for 5 to 10 minutes when frozen.

Rub with a spoon to reduce bags under the eyes

A simple spoon can be a great tool to give your eyes a rejuvenated and fresher look.

This element massages the area, activates the circulation and tightens the skin, which directly counteracts the formation of bags.

  • Put a few spoons in the freezer, then place them over your closed eyes when frozen.
  • Massage the area with the bags until the spoon is no longer frozen.
  • Try this treatment for 5 to 10 minutes to get the best results.

Do you have a tired look due to bags under the eyes? Keep these tips in mind and reduce the inflammation so that your skin is rejuvenated and fresh again.

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