6 Characteristics Of A True Friend

Although we can spend several years away from each other, a true friend makes it feel as if no time has passed at all.
6 characteristics of a true friend

Are you trying to surround yourself with good people? Do you see yourself as a good friend? Here are 6 characteristics of a true friend.

We all need people to accompany us on our journey. It does not matter if they are with us physically or not. They motivate us to become better people. They listen to us when we need it most.

Today we want to talk about some of the  characteristics that a true friend has.

A true friend listens without judging

Woman crying while friend comforts her

Individuals tend to help others with their feelings and opinions. Many times they share too much. Sometimes our narratives are criticized.

We begin to judge our friends, family, and partners negatively if we have a poorly controlled ego.

True friends know that bad criticism hurts the person who seeks support and understanding. They know that  listening is a caring act. And even if they give advice, they do not want to be the only influence to the people who come to them.

A true friend helps and supports without hoping to change anything. They know that listening means hearing and understanding all of the content.

2. They worry a lot about discussions

Friends discussing. Do not think for a second that true friends will always be happy with your attitude. They will also not be happy for you when you have a bad attitude.

In fact, it is just the opposite. A good friend will give you his honest opinion. If they think the other person has done something wrong, then they will say it to one’s face. This might lead to a discussion.

One should simply remember  not to make the mistake of being offended by constructive criticism  or other ideas or opinions.

To discuss is not to quarrel. The truth is, discussing is a healthy activity. Many times it is even necessary for our personal relationships.

It is important to be able to tell someone you love what is wrong and to be able to receive criticism. One should remember that this is not personal. As a friend, the least you can do is  be as sincere as possible.

3. They care about their friends

Have you ever asked yourself, “do my friends only show up when they need something from me?”

When you start thinking that way about one of your friends, then you start to lose faith in them. Then  the relationship begins to weaken.

Unfortunately, you will find people who are not really your friends. They only want one thing. Either they want to party, otherwise they want something from you. This is a reality that you will not necessarily like, but it is one that you should understand.

Fortunately, it also works the other way around. This means that one will always find another true friend who will be there for you.

We are talking about the  friends who will always support you and are happy to see you grow. You may not want to see them for months or even years. But the day you see them again, it will feel as if no time has passed at all.

4. They are always there

Personal differences, discussions,  time and distance will not take a true friend away from you. Instead, they will work to ensure that bad situations do not ruin the relationship.

Did you have a bad discussion? They will try to find you and talk to you to get it all figured out.

Did you go out to work or study in another country? Do not lose touch with your loved ones.

Friendship must be nurtured. It needs us to take care of it to keep it strong. Because of this, it is necessary to  be present and participate in important moments in the other person’s life.

Celebrate your friends’ victories without feeling envious or jealous. Suffer with them when they are defeated. Give them a shoulder to cry on in difficult times.

Sometimes it is impossible to be there for them physically. However, a true friend will always find a way to be in someone else’s life.

5. They trust each other

Two girlfriends hugging

Gossip and bad comments from other people can affect every friendship.

The difference between true friends and true friends is that  true friends know who they can trust. They know that there are evil people who can distort ideas. They do not believe what others say.

If you want to maintain your relationship, then you will have to  learn to listen to your friends. If in doubt, ask them directly without going behind their backs.

Do not spread rumors, secret failures, gossip or negative comments. Also, do not distance yourself from the first negative comment the other person makes.

6. They are sincere and faithful

A true friend is faithful in every situation. They do not say bad things about other people and they will not let others say bad things about their friends.

They defend you when they think it’s necessary. But they also give you space to solve your own problems.

Nor do they use criticism to tell you that something is wrong. They explain their motives clearly.

This  allows one to make one’s own decisions and make one’s own mistakes. When one does this, they will be there as a company and help deal with the circumstances better. But they will not try to solve life’s problems for one.

If all this sounds like one of your true friends,  let them know!

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