6 Benefits Of Artichokes For Health

Although they are mainly known for their diuretic properties, artichokes also have many other qualities. Learn more in this article!
6 benefits of artichokes for health

Have you ever heard of the many benefits of artichokes?

Today, it has become a daily duty to take good care of ourselves. Therefore, we should not just follow our doctor’s orders and go for check-ups regularly: it is also important to take care of our diet.

We need to include certain foods in our diet that provide us with important nutrients, well-being, quality of life and even beauty.

There are countless lists, articles and opinions on what fruits, vegetables and grains we should eat, how to combine them and what time of day is best to eat them, all depending on the benefits we seek from them.

Today we will introduce you to the world of artichokes, a green vegetable that hides in its leaves an immense treasure chest of vitamins that have been in demand and hailed throughout history.

In the Middle Ages, it was one of the most expensive vegetables one could get, and for which important people paid large sums.

Now we are so lucky to have easy access to this amazing vegetable!

Fun facts about artichokes

artichoke facts
  • Believe it or not, you can eat the whole artichoke. This is good because it contains so many benefits and its structure is so rich in nutrients that nothing should be wasted.
  • You can even find artichoke capsules in some stores and you can also buy it in its natural state.
  • When buying artichokes, choose the heaviest with the thickest leaves, and a light green color. This means that they are fresh and will give you more vitamins of better quality.

Now that you know how important it is, we will list 6 of the most important benefits of artichokes:

6 Health benefits of artichokes

1. They are excellent for digestion

Artichokes have amazing benefits for digestion. This makes them ideal for the treatment of rheumatic diseases, gallstones and imbalances in uric acid levels.

They also control fecal imbalances that help with both constipation and diarrhea.

2. They reduce triglycerides and cholesterol

The nutrients found in artichokes help reduce triglyceride levels.

They also help reduce the level of cholesterol in your blood, especially bad cholesterol (LDL), while increasing the good cholesterol (HDL).

This property makes them wonderful allies to fight diseases such as atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

3. Benefits of artichokes for weight loss

oil on salad

Thanks to its high vegetable fiber content, artichokes are perfect for controlling appetite properly.

They absorb water from your stomach, causing them to grow larger and fill the space. In this way, they create a pleasant feeling of satiety, which keeps you from eating too much due to anxiety or overeating.

4. Incredible diuretic benefits

This green wonder also helps fight fluid retention and eliminate waste from the body, including dangerous toxins.

Artichokes are an ideal option for naturally treating diseases such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Circulatory problems
  • Liver problems
  • Fat reduction

5. They prevent cancer

Several scientific studies have focused on artichokes thanks to their important role in our diet and all the nutrients they contain.

This interest has been rewarded with fascinating discoveries. The caffeic acid and flavonoids found in artichokes are good for preventing cancer and may even help as part of the treatment to fight this disease.

6. They provide the body with countless vitamins

Vitamin D-containing food

We have already mentioned a few times that artichokes contain many nutrients, and we can not help but also list the many vitamins that they are also full of.

Among the vitamins and minerals found in artichokes, the most important are vitamins A and B, magnesium, potassium, sodium and iron. They also turn sugar into energy.

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