5 Things To Say To Yourself When You Have Hard Times

Even if you can not see it when you are in the situation, hard times can be instructive and necessary. When the worst is over, you can look back on the experience with new eyes.
5 things to say to yourself when you are having a hard time

Hard times come when you least expect it and when you are least ready for it. The worst part is that you are often not ready to face the challenges. Adversity can take many forms. Sometimes good friends, family and insightful self-help books just aren’t enough. Dark times first and foremost require proper preparation, where you can rely on your own resources, indomitability, and emotional control. The phrase: “adversity gives ordinary people the opportunity to achieve extraordinary results” is sometimes just a meager consolation. In fact, most people just want to feel a little better in everyday life.

Life happens when we are not ready for it at all. If you find it all difficult, then say these 5 things to yourself:

I have the right to cry in my hard times, but I also want to smile again

It is important to cry. We are all human, and need to express our feelings. Never hold back your tears and do not be ashamed of your feelings, no matter how negative they are.

Accept your feelings, but do not let them take over your life. Acceptance is just the ladder we use to overcome difficult times.

Crying and letting go of your sorrows has a clear purpose: to help you accept what has happened and move on to create change. You deserve to smile again.

2. I am the person who can help myself first and foremost

Hard times are hard, but when you take care of yourself, you should probably get through to the other side.

You may have great friends, a good partner and a loving family who care about you. That’s fine, but you’re the person who’s going to have to deal with the difficult times in your life.

Without will, energy or dreams, it is incredibly difficult to escape the dark space in which you find yourself. Listen to those around you and let them help you, but you must take action yourself to move forward.

3. I can not control my hard times, only the way I choose to confront them

There are certain things that can not be avoided: A loss, an illness, to beat up even if you have done your best to avoid it…

  • No one can 100% control these complicated circumstances that life sometimes brings you. But you are responsible for your own thoughts and actions.
  • “I can not” is an incredibly immobilizing thought that causes more harm than good. By instead saying “I am able to get through this” your whole outlook on life changes and gives you renewed strength.

4. Life is lived on the other side of the border of fear and the hard times

The comfort zone is a nice place to stay. But it is also a place where one can not so easily move forward and develop.

In times of trial, you may feel that adversity has crossed your line and caught you with its long fingers. The calm you once took for granted is now collapsing.

You need to overcome your fears and take a step across the border of fear.

  • If you are afraid to think about what will happen to you after your loss, go to the other side and first accept what has happened and then remember that life must go on – with you. Move on.
  • If you feel threatened or afraid to be alone, rationalize this fear by remembering the previous sentence that you are your own best self-help. Let your heart give you strength.
butterfly woman

5. I need to work on my inner peace and balance every day

You take care of your diet and your weight and you consult your doctor for routine checkups. You take care of yourself every day and there is no doubt about why you are exhausted when you finally go to bed.

Ask yourself the question now,  when was the last time you took care of your feelings, your needs, and your inner peace? 

This is a type of exercise that can be performed every day. If you put everyone else before yourself, you will eventually neglect yourself. 

When you focus all your energy on putting together and achieving “things”, you lose the sense of what is important in life: your happiness and integrity.

  • When hard times arise, you need to be ready and there is no better way than by developing inner peace every day, strengthening your self-esteem and understanding yourself.
  • First of all, keep in mind that life is like a river that changes all the time. No matter if you like it or not, you are part of this fluid movement.

None of us can know when the hard times will come and test us,  it is important to always be prepared to trust your indomitability. 

To see the rainbow, we must first survive the storm.

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